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~chapter eleven~
tw: child abuse, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of suicide

"I didn't take anything, stop accusing me of shit I didn't do!" Nini shouted back at the drunken man. For the past 10 minutes, the two of them had practically been having a screaming match. Nini knew she was innocent and hadn't done anything wrong, and that's why she wasn't prepared to back down from this argument.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yelled, as he slammed his hands down on the countertop. "I'm not lying! Now stop shouting at me, neighbours are going get suspicious," she warned him, as she backed up against the refrigerator. "Let them, I don't care. I'm not just going let someone stupid little bitch steal my stash," he snapped, walking closer to where Nini was standing. "I'm only going to tell you once more. Give it back."

She stared at him, wondering how long it would take for it took sink in for him. As soon as she got home from school, not even having the opportunity to drop her bag, he had started an argument with her. He had accused her of stealing a stash of weed that he had hidden in their cupboard. Of course, Nini didn't take it. But was he accepting that? No. He was positive she had stolen it.

"You probably sold it to one of your friends."

Maybe she'd have friends that she could sell it too if he didn't act like this.

The more he raised his voice, the more suspicious the neighbours would get.
And the more suspicious they'd get, the more they'd start monitoring them.
And the more they'd start monitoring them, the more he'd blame her and raise his voice again.

It truly was an endless cycle.

"For the last damn time, I didn't take whatever shit you're looking for. I'm not like you! I don't pop pills, I don't inject heroin, I don't smoke weed, I don't get drunk. I didn't take anything so why don't you just back off?"

Her breath hitched again as she finished talking, but she kept a straight face. He also had a blank expression. She wondered if this was was calm face, or his calm before the storm face. As he took more steps closer towards her, Nini started to understand that the second guess was probably more accurate. "Here comes the storm," she thought to herself.

She was in her own little headspace for a while, wondering what his next move would be. She contemplated moving out of the way in case he decided to get violent, but before she could do so, his fist was coming towards her at a rapid pace. She was lucky to have dodged the hit, because had she not, she would most likely be in desperate need of an immediate nose job.

She jumped back in fear, as his fist came in contact with the door of the fridge. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to like that?" He snapped, as he turned his head around. "I told you to watch your damn attitude," he laughed, which was a sign to Nini that she needed to get out of there.

"Yeah, well I told you I didn't touch any of your shit. Guess neither of us listen," she responded as she turned on her feet to exit the kitchen. "You should start listening," he warned, before grabbing onto her wrist.

"Ow!" She yelled, getting caught off guard by the sudden action. "Get off me!"

"I am not joking with you, don't steal from me," he snarled, demanding that she gave back what he thought she stole. "I told you a million times, let go of my wrist! Ow, let go, you're hurting me, stop!"

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