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Julian is a werewolf and it must be a full moon. I'm dead was the only thought going through my mind as I sat there against the wall cornered by the wolf. I whimpered as he scratched my leg and he tilted his head sideways. He was confused and I didn't know why, he had to know that scratching me hurt. Even as a wolf he had to understand that. In that one moment of weakness I shot water out of my fingertips and tied him up. I lifted my ropes in the air and looked at the struggling wolf.

"You need to calm down Julian, I know you don't want to do this" I saw a bit of recognition in him and I could tell he was trying to regain control of his body "I'm going to keep you like this until I know you're turning" I said holding him up in the air and hanging the ropes on a hook that I saw in the ceiling.

In seconds the wolf was on top of me and I was bleeding more blood than I thought was in my body. There were cuts all over me, mostly from when he dove down, I attempted to regain control of my power, but with the blood loss it was futile. His eyes looked at me and I saw the continuous flicker between the real him and this him. The evil him won out and I ran bleeding down the hallway, I fell on to my knees and I looked at him with pleading eyes. If he was a person he would've been smirking.

This was the end, I was going to die to a crazed werewolf. Well, I didn't see this one coming. He moved closer to me and then began circling me, the blood drained out of me like a faucet. The floor was staining red where I sat. His eyes began fighting for dominance again, the darker evil one won out. These were my last moments and if he didn't kill me soon I would die of blood loss. As if hearing my thoughts and not wanting for something else to take my life, he lunged and as I died I saw the scene from a different point of view. Rose and Autumn were hiding in a closet we had past on the way, but there was Julian's wolf hovering around my body. I watched in horror as Julian, seconds after my death, regained control of his body and became human again, weeping at the sight of my dead body.

I continued my journey towards the place I died until I fell asleep there. Moments later I woke back up.


I was no longer in the place I was captured in I was in a beautiful blue palace that resembled the one in Renan, but on a much bigger scale.

"Come here Elaine" someone said from behind the door I stood in front of. I carefully opened the door. I guessed this was the afterlife we were all promised by Elena. I stepped inside and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, her hair cascaded in curls down to the floor. She had odd paint on her face, but she looked kind and as I continued looking at her it finally clicked. It was Goddess Elena.

"I'm sorry for not recognizing you. You look a lot different in the pictures" I said curtsying as deeply as I could. She laughed.

"You may stand. Now you might be confused why you're here, but we don't have much time so I will explain quickly. You are the girl in the prophecy, you must find the other to for yourself unless Nina decides to tell you when she takes you back to that place Julian had you in. We need you to live so we will send you back. As your life continues you will make sacrifices for your world and eventually you will take my place and I will finally be able to rest and stop governing your world. Do your best now let me call Nina" She walked over to a tube and yelled for Nina to come and in moments there was a knock at the door.

She was just as beautiful as Elena and had extremely long straight tangerine orange hair. Her eyes were a light brown color that complemented her slightly tanned skin. She smiled genuinely at me and then walked over to Goddess Elena.

"Haven't had a break to see you in person for a while! Hopefully after she finished her mission I'll be able to see you more" She said while giving Elena a hug. I sat there confusedly, they hated each other how were they friends and wanting to see each other more? Nina's country used Elena's people as servants, how could they be anything near FRIENDS?!

"We understand that you're probably confused on why the goddesses of practically waring kingdoms would be anywhere near friends" I nodded meekly as Nina spoke "but we realized that without realizing we had both set the same prophecy for different people and we understood that our peoples would need to unite in order to beat a greater evil. And that is why you're here and why my chosen person will be born in three days are here. Now, we don't have much time I will explain on our way to the portal"

She led me out of the room and down a hallway that unlike Miss Elena's room was a deep red. I followed her while quietly observing the beauty of the color I had always hated when she began to speak about the prophecized, soon to be born child.

"She will be born of fire of course because the queen right now decided to stop using Jack and instead create a child with him. The child will be created in three days, she will be beautiful, but because he used to be water like you her eyes will change from brown to blue depending on what power she can use at the time. She will help you and that Joey girl conjoin the countries. Joey holds the highest position you can in the Meadow and with your mother in Farana you hold the highest position in Renan. According to Farana law Mina has to step down from the throne in approximately a month so their daughter will be the new queen" I stood there, completely stunned by what I had just been told when she snapped me out of my thoughts that were still trying to comprehend this.

"We're here and it's time for you to go back. I would tell you what happens when you get back, but then that would ruin the puzzle of how to get back to your world" she said smiling and opened a door in front of me, behind it I saw my dead body laying in bed looking quite peaceful. Julian was preparing the camera and he looked unbelievably nervous. "Time to go" she said and began walking away.

"Thank you!" I yelled, taking one glance back before jumping back through and appearing within my body again.


A/N: I'm all about that update life today, so I hope you guys liked it because now it's gonna be a while until I have a new fully ready chapter. I love y'all soooooo much xxxxx!!!

~Maddie <3

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