Someone is Suspicious

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/\Drappers POV/\


I closed my eyes and prepared for impact.

It never came. I opened my eyes and saw, Gravity Falls? But it was reverse, and insted of the towns houses there were dens, like houses but big enough for dragons and made out of rock, I think therevare fires inside of them, probably for light. Then I noticed Thystle was starring at me.

I just relized my mistake, if I was a dragon I would not have thought I was going to run into a mountain and scream.

"Uh..." I have zero idea on how to talk my way out of this one.

She flew down into the dark forest below and draged me down with her.

"Okay, I was unsure before but now I am convinced, you are not a dragon."

"What? Of course I am..."

"What are you? A shapeshifter? A-a demon? What?!"

I have no choice, I have to tell her-

She just randomly grabed my tail and tied it around a tree.

"What are you doing?!"

"I want to put these flowers at my house so I don't crush them, but don't think just because you helped me once that it will change the fact that you might be evil. So I swear if you are not here when I get back I will Hunt. You. Down."

I gulped, "Message received. I won't move from this spot."

"Don't let anyone see you either."

I nod. She flys off with the flowers.

I sit down and sigh, now, we wait.

/\Time skip/\

She flys back and sits down in front of me.

"Now spill, What are you?"

Okay, truth time, "I was human, but the monsters of Gravity Falls don't like me a lot, so they kidnaped me and got Bill Cipher, a Dream Demon, we do not get along, as in, he is my worst enemy-"

She mumbles something like, "great idea, become enemys with the most powerful being in existence."

I scoff and continue my story, "-Anyway, him and all of the monsters of Gravity Falls got revenge on me by turning me into a mythical Creature too. All I want to do is be human again and get home, I did not mean to intrude, I just wanted to help..."

I looked up at her, she walked around me and untied my tail, I swished it around to get the feeling back in the tip.

"Okay, I (kind of) believe you."


"I wouldn't put it past that hot-headed Corn Chip. So, where do we start?"

/\There is two chapers today for the short one before this. Will Drapper get back? Or will the Pines lock him out in fear? Find out all of this and more, next time./\

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