Chapter 1

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Pov: Chu Scarlett

A breeze swept the leaves outside the dark room, creating an unwelcomed tune. Autumn had arrived, and so had the wrath of the weather.

In the near future, I would have to face storms again; ones that had nothing and everything to do with nature.

However, I had no time to worry about the weather outside this room, for I was staring into a swirling cyclone trapped inside a pair of dark eyes. I didn't thrash in my chair, I didn't freak out, and I didn't attack. He wasn't going to get what he wanted.

I was technically free since he had raised his knife, cutting down the ropes that had restricted my arms. If I so much as tried to run away though, I wasn't assured to live to see tomorrow. The fact that they had brought me here instead of killing me meant they wanted something.

None of the people in the room talked; we had telepathically agreed upon a glaring contest. I was particularly confident in my odds of winning since my resolution was driven by fury.

Was I scared?


Not in the slightest.

Traitors didn't deserve to incite such intricate emotions in me. It was at times like these when the threat of death felt like a forlorn friend. Accepting it shielded me. If I didn't fear the worst, I was invincible.

"Scarlett," Changbin voiced, packing his knife, "What a nice surprise to see you here."


"Don't talk back at our lea-" an angry man snapped but instantly shut up when Changbin raised his hand.

I'm glad I secretly prepared for this battle. I didn't even tell the idols since I didn't trust anyone after the Isabelle incident. Not even Changtraitor knew about it. I like his pissed face.

"How did you find us?" Changbin asked, his hand still on his knife.

Ooh~ I'm so scared~

"I was dreaming of you and I saw you here," I said with a sickly sweet smile.

A guy in the back loaded his gun and-

"Don't," Changbin warned, walking to the guy and leaning back on the desk, "She's allegedly useful. Call Luca over."

The man nodded and left the room, shutting the door with unnecessary force. It was back to Changbin and I staring at each other, daring the other to cower first.

I had thought that if any of the idols were to be secret agents, it would be Seungmin with all his plushy eye poking, but here we were.

We kept glaring until the esteemed Luca walked in. He had brown hair and dark blue eyes, slender and tall, yet somehow not giving off a weak vibe. He squeezed the brigde of his nose and finished cleaning his glasses with his shirt, placing them on. "You called for me?"

Changbin nodded without feeling the need to take his eyes off me which made the guy look my way. "She's the leader?" he asked.

Changbin nodded once more and finally spoke up, "What was your plan?"

"You're not going to like it," Luca sighed, rubbing his right eye. He was evidently sleep-deprived.

"When do I ever like your ideas," Changbin grunted, eventually breaking eye contact with me, "But they somehow always succeed."

"Alright. We need an alliance," Luca began, making both of us leaders whip our heads in his direction, "I told you you wouldn't like it."

"An alliance with Little Haven? Have you lost your mind?" Changbin threatened, checking me out once more and frowning.

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