Chapter 11

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Pov: Isabelle Snow

The next morning, when everyone including Scarlett was at work, I was visited by the one person I wanted to avoid the most: Changbin.

"What is your goal?" he asked, not even greeting me when he entered.

"I want my mom-"

"You're lying," he stated, not a bit of hesitation in his words.

"Why would I-"

"If you were actually planning on working with Little Haven, you would've outed the fact that Black Galaxy has been split into two. That's the least you could have confessed to, yet they're still clueless about everything," he said, looking at me with complete certainty.

"I don't trust them yet. I just got beaten really painfully.. I can barely look at them."

I'd always been quick to come up with lies.

"So you're going to tell us everything once you trust us?" he asked, his arched eyebrow clear proof of his disbelief. 

"I do know about there being two units but if you think I know any organizational secrets, you're gravely mistaken. I'm a mere rag they used and tossed," I promised, folding my arms and looking him straight in the eye, "I'm here telling you that my mom is out there, in serious danger, while all you care about is your agency. You're just as bad as the other unit, aren't you?"

"Why do they want Chan?" he asked, never giving in to my pleads for sympathy. I didn't even have to lie about this one. I had no idea why my unit was after Chan.

"You think my missions come with explanations? I'm a slave. What I'm told, I will do. There's no such thing as asking for a reason." I scratched my neck, genuinely inquiring, "Shouldn't you know why they'd want your friend?"

He heard some footsteps and clicked his tongue, leaving with a final threat. "I'll be keeping my eyes on you."

The person who had arrived was Hyunjin. It had become a habit of his to visit me every day to bring me little gifts while I gave him sketches of random objects. It was fun seeing someone genuinely love art and try to draw as well. He was much more talented than he gave himself credit for.

I didn't dislike my target anymore. Seeing him gave me a sense of tranquility. He was pretty to stare at and his words were not lacking in beauty either. I enjoyed our talks even though I had to constantly remind myself not to be too real with him. He would always be nothing more than a negligible part of my mission, even if talking to him came peculiarly easily.

Then the day when I convinced Scarlett to attack unit 1's subunit finally rolled in. Ofcourse, I made sure she'd keep the details to herself and her team. If Changbin found out about it, he'd definitely stop her.

I informed my unit of the exact date of the attack, so they sneaked "Mrs. Amelia" into Changbin's unit and made it seem like she was kidnapped.

As we attacked unit 1, they were unprepared and at their weakest. We were able to inflict lots of damage and "rescued" my "mom". While we were there, Scarlett had me steal a few blueprints of other unit 1 locations which meant they would have many more fights to come. Everything was going according to plan.

I had to fake cry about my mother being sick and thin throughout the whole bus ride. When we finally got her to the hospital, I took out my phone and let Hyunjin know that she was safe. He surprised me by insisting on coming. He said I sounded tired.

Ofcourse I was tired..

I had to go against my principles once more.

Little Haven was the only organization I didn't want to harm. It used to be my safe space. It used to be my strength. The child in me was breaking apart and I was shocked to even feel her presence after having stabbed her so frequently.

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