Chapter 36

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Pov: Liliane Chevalier

I walked down the red carpet while wearing my long white silky dress with my arm locked around Ricardo's. The cameras' flashes blinded us as always and I looked around smiling, knowing that this was the last event I'd have to attend in my parents' stead. My mom had finally recovered and could go back to her duties, so my dad could bring her here instead of sending me next time.

"You look happier than usual," Ricardo noted under his breath, the bright smile never leaving his lips.

"We don't have to do this every single day anymore," I said, my own smile growing bigger, "It's something to be happy about, no?"

"Agree to disagree," he answered, guiding me to a bright off-white gate. It was a fashion show where my parents' new line would be showcased, and some of Ricardo's shoes would also be used.

We finally took our seats in the first row, waiting as all the empty chairs were filled with familiar and unfamiliar faces. Some celebrities talked to us and congratulated our success while others only greeted us in respect. Once everything was ready, the blinding lights dimmed, and models took over the lit up stage one by one. It had been a while since I'd last walked the runway, and I didn't specifically miss it over all the responsibilities I'd had to keep track of. Being one of the spectators was best for now.

"That dress looks like it's made for you," Ricardo whispered in my ear since we couldn't hear each other over the blaring music and clicking of cameras.

The dress he was referring to was especially my style. It was simple like the one I was currently wearing, and had a subtle sexiness to it. With an exposed back and long skirt reaching the ankles, it only touched the body enough to show off the curves when the model moved.

"Maybe I should get one for myself," I whispered back and he nodded, his eyes still focused on the dress. We were both aware of the minority of photographers who had their cameras pointed at us instead of the show, capturing every whisper, every laugh, and every glance we threw each other's ways. The articles about us were getting out of hand, and neither of us cared enough to do something about baseless rumors. However, I was always scared of how much hope they could give my parents, making it harder for me to think of a way out.

As I discussed a certain dress with Ricardo, my phone vibrated. I couldn't possibly answer a call in such a crowded atmosphere, but I still took the time to check the caller ID. Both, Ricardo and I, got heavily affected by the name that popped up on the screen. It was the guy who had stopped talking to me as if I'd ceased to exist. We kept staring at the screen, waiting the whole time it rang until it stopped, portraying a missed call. How lucky was I to have received this call during such a busy occasion? I wouldn't have had the willpower to ignore it otherwise.

"I thought you two weren't talking anymore," Ricardo chuckled, looking away dismissively. His eyes followed the models as they came and went, his jaw growing a little tense.

I thought so too.

"We're not," I answered, ignoring the runway to look at his face. He turned around to stare at me, his brown eyes shining under the perpetual flashes of cameras. "I don't even know what he wants."

He leaned down to whisper to me. "You still like him."

"I don't think I have feelings for anyone at the moment," I replied firmly, putting away my phone to focus on the show. He didn't bring Seungmin up after that again. My last words were loud and clear in his ears.


"Will you, or will you not? It's a simple question, Liliane," my father voiced frustratedly as he shut his laptop. He stood up from his desk to visit the kitchen, and I followed him.

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