Chapter 4

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Pov: Olivier Roche

As I'd imagined, her flesh was eerily cold. I knew better than to speak or irritate her in any way. It was impossible to fight her in this state.

Nonetheless, I wasn't going to sit back and wait for the poison to kick in. My heartbeat raced as I watched the nerves on my arm, wishing I could stop the poison from flowing through them. Had my veins grown more prominent or was it just my imagination? Impulsively, I reached for my hand, about to wrench the needle out of my skin.

"Give me your hand," she said, stopping me by holding her palm up for me to take. I stared at it and decided to go along with whatever she wanted.

When my hand landed in hers, she began to inspect it. Once satisfied, she grabbed the tube with the serum before I could yank it out. She fixed its end where a bit of blood had passed through and let go, placing her fingers on my other cheek too.  

Is she.. my nurse?

My heart is going to explode.

I can't face her like this every single day.

When she gazed into my apprehensive eyes, I wondered if she could actually read my thoughts. If she could, I was in even more trouble.

"Open your mouth," she ordered.

I stiffened tenfold and gulped down my accumulated anxiety. It obviously caught her attention as she was now watching my neck.

"Did you not hear me?" she murmured and her eyes returned to mine.

I hesitantly did as she asked and she exhaled through frustration after taking a look inside my mouth. She eventually pushed up my jaw. "You still have your tongue. Why aren't you speaking?"

She was checking for my tongue?

She's so strange.... Somebody help me..

But.. if I'm already dying.. I want to at least know..

"Where are my teammates?" I asked with new-found confidence.

"Hm?" she breathed, a perfect brow raising as she walked around my bed, "You're a brave one."

The bag is already half empty and I don't feel any effects from poison.. I guess her syringe was filled with actual medicine?

"Where are they?" I repeated.

"Somewhere agreed upon," she said, watching the moon outside the windows while crossing her arms.

"And where's that?"

"The question is: Are you worried for your teammates, or your precious leader?" The corner of her lip shot up. "What was her name? That.... damsel in distress."

So my feelings for Scarlett were obvious enough for Black Galaxy to see, but she herself was still oblivious..

Sometimes I wonder how that girl managed to become a leader..

The person in front of me is definitely the Vipress though. She called Scar a damsel in distress in her letter a while ago too.

"Where is she and where are the others?" I asked once more.

"Our leader is taking very good care of her." Underlying mischeif was lurking in her words- or maybe not? Everything she said sounded menacing.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned, almost jumping out of bed.

"Not so obedient now, are you?" she chuckled, amusement coloring her smooth tone, "Your princess is in good hands."

"I don't trust yo-" I chocked on my own words, remembering that I was in the presence of the Vipress. She glared at me as I pursed my lips and squeezed my eyes shut, regretting ever opening my mouth.

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