Chapter Five: System Updated

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"I heard it's not even meant to be that bad."

"I would agree but my logic file commands me to choose otherwise."

"Don't sass me, Google."

( y/n ) sighed as she walked with her robotic companion towards the Google store that had newly opened a few streets from where she lived, aware the bot was quite reluctant to go there due to a recent 'update' he was able to get. Although he was probably more nervous about the fact new Google bots were being auctioned in the same store with alternate designs and purposes. Well he likely didn't have any ability to be nervous but either way he wasn't acting happy about it.

"I shall try. Just remember you have a choice on this, and if the update doesn't sound better then we can just go home and watch the cat and mouse show." Google stated as he walked besides her, looking around as they walked towards the store and slowed subtly to try and prevent the inevitable for as long as possible.  She looked over at him for a moment, nodding slightly in agreement before turning back to face the door as they got to it finally.

"Don't worry; I won't do anything without talking to you first or being completely sure about the decision. Okay?" ( y/n ) promised, causing Google to pause as he comprehended these factors before smiling happily and nodding in agreement. Now reassured he wouldn't try to run away, she pushed the glass door open and stepped inside with her living browser before their eyes widened in awe and they looked around in wonder. Technology was not only absolutely everywhere in here but it was walking, talking, interacting with customers to attempt to get themselves bought with the most professional of subtleness. Google trailed rather timidly behind ( y/n ), observing these people out to buy with slight fear as he kept close to his owner to keep them from looking at him too. Suddenly there was someone else standing in front of them, wearing a uniform to show he was an employee rather than just another bot.

"Hi, you must be the woman who called up for the update. ( y/n ), right?" He asked in a friendly manner, causing her to smile back and nod as Google moved to stay by her side almost protectively. It would have been slightly frightening, if not for the still concerned and confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, that's right. We don't want to get it before hearing about the details first, if that's okay." She commented sheepishly as she glanced up to Google, causing him to nod slight in agreement as the employee watched them interact. Afterwards the short-ish man shrugged his shoulders, rather relaxed about the whole ordeal.

"That's fine; we don't expect you to jump right into it. I can't right now since another guy has come in for the update but feel free to look around whilst you're waiting." He explained with a quick smile before he was off, in the back room that had an 'Appointments only' sign screwed into the door. Google almost sighed in relief as he realised they still had a few minutes at least, turning to face ( y/n ) before panicking for a moment as she walked towards the new Google designs. He hurried after her quickly, staying directly next to her as she looked at the first bot in line with curiosity.

"Hello there, my name is Aaron. My category is specialising in homecare, friendly companionship and moral support." It stated with a warm smile but his large brown eyes were emotionlessly dull, although he had light brown hair along with some stubble. 'He' had the usual Google clothes just like ( y/n )'s own Google and all the others in the room, almost like a uniform for the human-like robots. It was surprising to her that they'd given him a name, along with the 'every bot is different' promise the company had.

"Nice to meet you Aaron." She nodded to him with a smile before moving as someone else came over to look at him, curious. It was then she saw others as well, stepping over as Google trailed closely behind her with a nervous expression as people every now and then glanced to him. One of them was immediately a little taller than 'Aaron' and him, with glasses and short brown hair as well as a serious expression. He turned his head to face ( y/n ) when she stepped closer, his expression quite blank rather than a smile on his face like the other had.

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