Chapter six: My name . . .

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“This was a terrible idea.”

“Says the one who wanted to tie him up.”

“He tried to kill you.”

“You knocked him out.”

( y/n ) whispered back quietly as she dabbed at the scratches along the broken bot’s face, surprised it was so docile but then again Google had sort of slammed a slab of metal against the back of his head so that probably explained it. Google himself was over at the sink, washing the oil from his hands after having to carry this strange bot through alleyways or sprinting between streets and trying not to be seen the whole way home.

“He isn’t right in the head. Why else would they throw him away?” He stated as he wiped his hands on his shirt, walking over and sitting on the short table to observe the possible threat. ( y/n ) went silent but kept dabbing at his face gently, a little unnerved by the bot’s appearance but surprised by the fact he had more than just the obvious scratches. Along his skin were bruises; real bruises, not some sort of simulation or whatever the Google bot’s were said to do when there was a problem with their system. They weren’t meant to be able to feel at all, let alone get injured.

“I don’t know, but . . . Something isn’t right.” She stated softly, turning her gaze to the large gash along the robot’s neck that revealed some wires, some sort of titanium endoskeleton and a little box almost as a fake Adam’s apple for it. It seemed to be broken, a long crack running through it and revealing what appeared to be a small data chip that looked relatively unharmed. The only problem was that wires around it were fizzing endlessly, interrupting whatever the chip was supposedly meant to be holding.

“Google, weren’t there spare parts in the box I got you in?” ( y/n ) asked quietly, turning her head to face the overprotective bot. He nodded slowly, confused before he understood and stood to go find it with obvious reluctance.

“I shall return shortly.” He stated before heading to her bedroom to find the box and hopefully the right spare parts to fix their issue, not wanting to do this after the bot jumped them but not wanting to just do nothing about it. It was one of his kind, after all.

I-I am G-Google I spe-specialise in H-Hea--” ( y/n ) looked down in shock as the bot began to talk, the wires around the chip sparking violently as its head twitched and its eyes opened wide in an instant. Its speech turned to static and inhuman chokes as its hands held onto its throat tightly, struggling to breathe as it panicked. Google was in the room a mere second later, passing the spare part hurriedly to ( y/n ) as he latched his hands onto the bots wrists and held his arms down to attempt to prevent injury. She removed the small box quickly, carefully unclipping the chip before flinging the broken box and wires onto the table to get them out of her way.

“It’s okay, we’ve got you.” ( y/n ) promised quietly as she clipped the chip into the new box, closing it and putting it in place before plugging new wires in to get the system working. As soon as it was all connected the loud static noise stopped, the bot gasping for breath as he put his hands around his throat again but a little gentler this time to avoid damaging the new ‘voice box’. ( y/n ) sighed in relief and glanced over at Google as he watched the two anxiously, not exactly sure what would happen next.

“Did it work . . . ?” Google asked quietly, causing the bot laid on the sofa to flicker his gaze over to him out of curiosity and slight fear. One of the bot’s eyes still had the bright green rather than white, and a dark blue for his iris. The other, however, was a fairly normal lighter blue eye, strangely human in comparison with the wires and endoskeleton they would see from the wound on his neck.

“What’s your name?” ( y/n ) questioned the bot gently, not wanting to panic him again since he already looked petrified of them both, which was probably because of the ‘knocking him out’ situation. The bot switched his gaze over to her; seeming confused as he thought through what she had asked and eventually opened his mouth to speak.

“My name . . . Is Jack.” He stated almost silently, his voice surprising gentle for such a previously jumpy bot and strangely Irish. Google frowned slightly as he watched him, slightly disturbed by whatever the Hell was going on. ( y/n ) nodded slightly as she observed ‘Jack’ with concern, trying to figure out how to talk to him properly.

“Okay Jack, I’m ( y/n ) and that’s Google over there.” She pointed to Google as she mentioned him a little hesitantly, knowing Jack might not exactly be too fond of him for . . . Well, everything. Google glanced at Jack and Jack looked back, the two sharing an awkwardly long glare as both tried to figure out the best way to get away from the other.

“( y/n ) . . .” Jack muttered, copying the name and nodding as he took in that small piece of information. Google’s fists clenched as he watched the other bot for any signs of aggression, seemingly too naïve to notice his own as he glanced between the two of them.

“Jack, what’s your specific category?” ( y/n ) spoke again to him, casting an irritated glance at Google before facing the broken bot on her sofa calmly. Jack blinked for a moment, obviously trying to remember at least on part of his purpose.

“Healthcare and companionship.” He told her truthfully, causing Google to raise his eyebrow in slight amusement at the idea.

“Ironic.” The healthy bot commented under his breath, causing Jack to glare as he slowly sat up and clenched his fists as he moved his legs. Now he sat up, directly facing Google with a less than pleased glare.

“Says the one who tried to crack my goddamn skull.” Jack hissed angrily, causing Google to suddenly stand and stare down the injured bot. He went to speak but stopped as he saw ( y/n ) shake her head at him, a deadly robot fight the least wanted thing in her life right now. Jack noticed the two interacting and observed with curiosity, intrigued by how the two acted with each other. Google slowly sat down again, keeping his gaze on the ground to avoid looking at the other bot in the room or his unamused owner. She sighed and leant her back against the sofa, attempting to stop her headache from the bots bickering before turning her head to face Jack again.

“Do you remember anything?” ( y/n ) queried with a concerned look, not really sure what to expect from either of them by this point. Jack hesitated a moment, frowning hugging his arms to himself nervously as he urged himself desperately to remember what happened to him.

“I-I . . . I don’t know.” He finally mumbled after giving up on remembering, not able to no matter how hard he tried. ( y/n ) nodded slightly in pity for him, although as she did so a plan began to form in her own mind as she pondered through how to help him. Google looked over in slight guilt as he remembered he was spared his memory being wiped thanks to his owner choosing against the update, although he had a sense that wasn’t what caused Jack’s amnesia.

“Jack, would you like us to help you get your memory back?” ( y/n ) suddenly proposed the idea to him, causing Google’s eyes to widened as he looked from one to the other in confusion. Jack’s mismatched eyes widened in hope, the first even vaguely positive emotion he’d showed since he woke up.

“Retrieving my data file would leave me forever in your debt. It would change everything for me.” He rambled quickly, unsure whether the two would actually do this for him. Google obviously didn’t like him, and ( y/n ) . . . Well, she seemed nice enough.

“We’ll get you your memories back.” She promised gently, although she squeaked in surprise as Jack wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. It was a little uncomfortable from the little edges of metal and wires unintentionally poking her every now and then, but she wrapped her arms back around him and smiled as he seemed speechless. Google grit his teeth for a moment but fought the urge to say something to them, looking at ( y/n ) as he realised there was a slight problem.

“How exactly are we going to do this? We can’t just download it from the internet.” He stated bluntly, causing Jack to move back as he looked nervously from one to the other for answers, although ( y/n ) grinned as she found just the perfect one.

“We’re going to break into the Google store.”

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