Chapter three: Ben & Jerry's

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"Okay, so what else is on the list?"


" . . . Google, take that off the list."

Doing as he was told, Google took the 'evil' item off the list as he followed ( y/n ) throughout the supermarket calmly, not unnerved as people stared at the obviously abnormal man. He spoke, walked and his shirt was glowing; of course he was going to attract some unwanted attention. But he was still in trouble for messing up ( y/n )'s carpet so he wasn't allowed to complain anyway. Meanwhile she was a little creeped out by the stares and whispers people were giving her, some looking intrigued whilst others were a little scared of the man.

"Technology these days has gone too far--"

"Maybe she's just lonely--"

"Do you think it's like a pet--"

( y/n ) was undeniably tempted to shove a trolley into a few people's stomachs but held back the urge, instead walking away from the less than subtle people and heading over to her favourite part of the whole store.


"Why hello there my dearest friends." She grinned happily as she spotted the Ben & Jerry's all stacked up together, opening the freezer door before picking out a few of the Cookie Dough and Chocolate Brownie tubs. Placing them in the trolley and closing the freezers door, she glanced over to where Google was previously standing only to find absolutely nothing in his place. Immediately ( y/n ) turned the trolley around and began pushing it quicker, searching for wherever the Hell the incredibly accident prone man could have got to in a supermarket packed with people.

"Google? Where is he . . . ?" She muttered worriedly under her breath as she tried to find him before he hurt someone. He had GPS right? He must have been able to find her by now. Unless he was really just some guy sneaking into her house . . . But that didn't explain how he fit in that cardboard bo-

"What the fu--" ( y/n ) yelped as she was suddenly shoved forward and her bag ripped from her arm, her senses temporarily faltering as she fell with a small thump onto the floor. It didn't really hurt but she was still dazed for a second before she comprehended what had happened and leapt to her feet to run after whoever the heck had taken her precious Ben & Jerry's money.

However she only had to take a few steps before a rather girly squeal was heard in the aisle next to her, causing ( y/n ) to stop in her tracks as she heard something fall to the floor whimpering and then something being dragged. Her eyes widened as her missing Google slowly stepped around the corner, looking quite calm as he dragged someone across the floor by their hood as they whimpered and had their hands between their legs.


"I believe this is yours." Google stated as he raised his other hand which held ( y/n )'s bag, causing her to slowly reach forward and take it from him before staring at him in very obvious shock.

"What did you . . . ?" She began only to trail off, causing Google to hold the theif up by their hood so their feet were just dangling over the floor.

"Anti theft system." He stated casually, causing a little smile to form on ( y/n )'s face as she realised he may not be as dumb as he first acted.

Three hours, one clean carpet and a tub of Ben & Jerry's later, ( y/n ) was sat watching old school cartoons whilst Google sat beside her and observed the tv screen with a rather childlike curiosity.

"So you're saying this mouse invades the cats home and tortures him daily, stealing food from him and causing him to be punished?" He asked quietly as he watched the classic version of the cartoon, causing ( y/n ) to laugh at his version of it with a nod.

"Pretty much." She agreed with a shrug, spooning the free icecream into her mouth( all four tubs were given for free as a reward from the shop owner, much to ( y/n )'s delight ) and sitting forward comfortably on the sofa. Google nodded slightly but was a little disheartened as the episode ended, frowning slightly at the creepy adverts for crying and pooping baby dolls.

"These are for children?" He shivered at the mere thought, not really sure why the stare of those glass eyes was freaking him out. ( y/n ) giggled and nodded, although she blinked in surprise as she heard his stomach grumble. Even he seemed shocked, placing his hand over his shirt and looking over to ( y/n ) with wide eyes as if he feared he was dying. Rolling her eyes, she scooted closer before getting a spoonful of icecream and holding it up to Google's face.

"Open wide." She ordered, causing him to flinch backwards in confusion as he tried to avoid the 'deadly' spoon. He wasn't really sure why they existed, but he was beginning to believe it was to cause intense pain.

"Open your mouth. And don't bite it this time." ( y/n ) told him patiently, holding back a grin as Google opened his mouth but still had that look of distrust on his face. Keeping silent so as not to make him talk, ( y/n ) moved the spoon forward and to her surprise he actually acted like a normal humam being and ate it. As soon as the spoon was taken out of his mouth Google's eyes widened in awe at the delicious food but he wasn't aware of what to do now after his failed attempt at porridge that morning, moving his hands around widely as he tried to think of what to do. ( y/n ) quickly placed the tub of icecream on the table before trying tohold his hands still.

"Swallow the icecream!" She told him quickly, causing him to nod before he did as he was told. It took a moment for him to get his breath back after his little icecream-dance, eyes wide in awe as he looked at ( y/n ) and rested his hands by his sides.

"I like icecream." He smiled quite goofily, gaining a grin back from ( y/n ) as she grabbed a tissue and wiped the cookie dough icecream from around his mouth as if he was a big baby.

"Next time try not to do anything stupid, okay?" She raised an eyebrow at him, receiving a nod in return before Google quickly turned to face the tv as the cartoon came back on.

Silly goof.

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