Chapter Four: Take a bath, Google

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( y/n ) yawned tiredly as she slowly began to wake up, nuzzling her pillow in appreciation as she heard no alarms breaking the peaceful silence this morning. After a moment of contemplating whether she could be bothered to get up, her stomach grumbling encouraged her and she slid on her panda slippers before shuffling sleepily in her pajamas towards her kitchen. She got a bowl out and poured some cereal boredly, stretching her arms after as the kettle boiled. After a moment of making her drink she carried her tea and cereal over to the table, sitting down on the luckily clean rug cross legged and grabbing the remote to put on some cartoons.

"Good morning." Google mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, slowly waking up as ( y/n ) turned back to look at him and waved shyly as she ate cereal. He tiredly sat up from where he'd been sleeping all night on the sofa, causing ( y/n ) to frown slightly as a certain smell drifted through the air. She paused her cereal eating to sniff her shirt before turning back and observing Google in confusion. Without a word she leant forward and sniffed slightly, causing Google to raise an eyebrow at her when she moved back quickly and cringed.

"Why didn't you say that you sweat?" She grumbled, holding the top of her pajama shirt over her mouth and nose to try and protect herself from the smell. Google shrugged calmly as he watched her, not entirely sure what the fuss was about but assuming it wasn't a life or death situation.

"Wait here . . ." ( y/n ) muttered as she stood up, heading to the bathroom and beginning to run a bath as Google sat in confusion without the foggiest idea of what he'd done. She came back after a moment and sat on the table, avoiding the tea and cereal she had and looking at Google with her arms crossed. This seemed like a simple problem, but there was one dreaded question she had to ask him.

"You do know how to have a bath, right?" She spoke slowly, hoping the robot-man-thing at least knew that. But considering he didn't know how to use a spoon just yesterday, it wasn't exactly surprising when he shook his head.

"No." Google stated bluntly, watching as ( y/n ) hid her face in her hands and groaned in annoyance. After a moment of cursing and grumbling she got up and headed to her room, glad at least when she scavenged through her drawers and found her swimming trunks. For once she was glad she had listened when her Dad had jokily suggested an adjustable waist, although he received a quick elbow to his rib at the time.

"You'll need to put these on in my room. I'll wait out here, okay?" She ordered as she passed him the trunks, although she honestly wasn't sure if he really did have anything to cover or if he was just like an action man figure. She wasn't ready to take that risk about it, although it seemed foolish and the manual said he couldn't really feel emotions like embarrassment she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Google nodded despite his confusion as he walked with the trunks in one hand into the bedroom to get changed, not sure what that meant but wanting to do this right. ( y/n ) waited outside boredly, sipping her tea and cringing as she realised it was stone cold now. She got up to make another when Google stepped out of the bedroom, looking at ( y/n ) and waiting to see her reaction. She facepalmed, sighing as she moved her hand back to her side so she could see him.

"You have to take off your other clothes first, Google. You're not Superman." She commented tiredly, causing Google to nod in understanding as he headed back into the bedroom to change once more. ( y/n ) merely walked into the kitchen, washing the cup quickly before beginning to boil the kettle again. Already it had been a long morning and she didn't expect it to get any easier, not with the whole 'bathing' problem. She paused as she heard Google come out of the bedroom behind her, ready to tell him he had trousers on his arm or something of the like when she turned around.

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