Chapter Nine: We'll fix you

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"Google--I mean Mark, what the Hell are you thinking?! You're injured, we can't go back like this!"

"I have to, okay Sean? We can't waste time here."

"You're gonna' get yourself killed! And who's Sean?!"

"No time to explain. You'll figure it out once we've got ( y/n ) and everyone's memories back."

It had hardly been a minute after 'Google' had got his memory back when he'd suddenly darted out of the room and then the building entirely, not waiting for Jack at all in his sudden state of courage and causing the Irish bot to have to limp after him until he managed to catch up. Now here they were, darting through alleyways to avoid being seen bloodied and beaten by people walking around in the night as the two of them headed to the same building they had escaped from only an hour or so before. Whatever 'Google' had remembered had caused an immediate change in him and despite his programming he led the way hurriedly, not wanting to waste any more time lazing around and trying to patch himself up; even if his body was still aching from that fight with Aaron, there were more important things to attend to right now.

"Do you have any plan whatsoever?!" Jack hissed worriedly as he followed as quickly as he could, struggling to move at the same speed and having to hold one hand over the cut he got on his head from where it had clashed with the TV stand earlier. For a moment 'Google'--no, Mark went completely silent as he slowed ever so slightly, thinking for himself for the first time in a very long while.

"Go there and... Stop what they're doing to people." He merely mumbled softly, causing Jack to frown in irritation at his incredibly vague and downright ridiculous plan. It took him a few seconds to catch up properly so he could look at Mark's expression, glaring in annoyance at the emotional bot yet struggling to keep up.

"Oh that's really going to help, y'know? We'll just go in and ask politely for them to stop being meanies, give us back everything and fix us up, right? Then we'll all live happily ever after! I'm sure they'll understand and stop their robots from attacking us, it's sooooooooo simple!" Jack mocked sarcastically as he waved around his arm to emphasise how ridiculous the idea was, gaining a glare from Mark as the corner of his mouth twitched into a grimace.

"We'll figure it out when we get there." He huffed as he sped up slightly but then suddenly hunched over and slumped his side against the wall, gritting his teeth to stop himself cursing as he held his hand to his stomach tightly from the wave of pain. It was only then Jack's look of anger disappeared from his face and he stepped closer to Mark calmly, moving his arm around the others back so he could help him stand rather than just allowing him to fall to the floor.

"We did that last time and this is what happened. I don't know what you think you're made of, but if something like this happens again I don't think you'll make it after." Jack admitted gently as he watched Mark's pained expression with concern and slowly began to get him to stand upright again.

"Something has to be done..." He muttered stubbornly, not even able to look at the other bot until he moved so he was in front of him to block his path. The two were silent for a moment as Jack watched his friend carefully, closing his only normal eye and allowing the strangely coloured one to scan Mark as the two stood still.

"It can't be done when you have broken ribs, Mark. We just need to get fixed up first and--" He spoke but was suddenly interrupted as Mark shoved past him and rushed off ahead without another word, still slightly hunched over as he put up with the agony as best as he could. Jack sighed as he saw him hurry off and limped after the other bot as fast as he could, struggling to keep up his pace. It seemed like forever until they were finally at the back of the store again, both standing still as soon as they saw the door Mark had broken open merely hours before. There was no light inside and neither of them were moving towards the door, just watching it for a moment for any signs of life.

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