Chapter seven: Goodbye . . .

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"This idea is ridiculous. What about the whole 'consequences to your actions' stuff you people believe?"

"You're just being paranoid Google, you need to relax. Now help me break through this lock."

"I can't believe you."

"I'll believe her. Break that lock Google!"

It was already blatantly obvious to Google that this was a horrific idea; of course he knew that, you were willingly breaking into a shop from one of the biggest companies on the planet, it was bound to have a few down sides. ( y/n ) however had apparently 'done research' on how to do this sort of mission and Jack was more than happy to believe her, cheering along quietly for Google to break the lock. If the bots had realised her research was nothing more than watching clips of Natasha Romanoff on Youtube then they probably wouldn't have gone through with this so easily, but lucky for her the two hadn't realised yet.

"Don't blame me if you end up in prison." Google sighed as he clenched his fists together, lifting them in the air before slamming them down onto the lock and successfully cracking it. ( y/n ) merely grinned in glee at his strength, nodding before she began to take the now-broken lock off the back door. Jack was smiling brightly at the both of them, patting Google on the back lightly with his less bruised hand before his contrasting eyes widened as the door slowly creaked open.

"No sirens yet . . ." ( y/n ) mumbled quietly as she edged the door open further, hesitantly stepping inside the unlit room before waiting a moment for Jack to limp in carefully with Google closing the door silently behind them. There was an eerily long pause before the bots eyes lit up, the both of them working as four torches that allowed them to see at least three feet in front of them. Jack led the way through what looked to be a storage room, both of his eyes casting off a green light rather than the bright white light that Google's gave off.

"What are we looking for, Jack?" Google called out to the broken bot ahead of him quietly, a little more cautious than the other two who were curiously exploring farther ahead into the large room filled with shipping containers and large shelves to keep whatever spare parts, new products or memory chips they had organised.

"I . . . Have absolutely no idea." Jack suddenly blurted out, hesitating slightly as he realised he probably should have realised that before they got here. Instantly Google's eyes widened and he walked over to the Irish bot so he was facing him with a furious glare.

"You didn't think to tell us this before we illegally broke in?!" He hissed angrily, the glow of his eyes slowly turning red as Jack shuffled away from the intimidating tool. The anger was short-lived as the two heard footsteps echoing through the room, the light instantly switching back to white as the two froze in their place. They waited silently for a moment, prepared to attack when one of the boxes was pulled away from the other side of the shelves and a person peeked through.

"You two get over here, I found something." ( y/n ) commented calmly before putting the box back, causing the two bots to sigh in relief as they realised it wasn't some security guard and head around the shelves to see what she'd found. Jack practically clung to Google as he saw what she'd unveiled, staring in fear as the Google bots from earlier that day stood with their eyes closed and didn't even breathe as they waited, completely still in the dark. She'd took off the cloths that some worker had obviously thrown over them to make the place less unsettling, although needless to say a line of humanoid shapes covered completely in a cloth wasn't normal either.

"Are they on?" Google whispered quietly to keep their chances of being detected as low as possible, observing the 'sleeping' bots nervously rather than with the childlike curiosity he once had after being activated. ( y/n ) shrugged as she realised she didn't even know but observed the one she had remembered had called itself 'Aaron', intrigued by just how lifelike he appeared for something that wasn't human. Google  stepped closer and looked the bot up and down but then walked ahead with Jack fearfully sticking behind him, searching for anything that said 'memory' nearby so they could just leave as soon as possible.

"Aaron . . ." She mumbled as she watched him for a moment in curiosity and inwardly regretting that she wasn't able to buy the poor guy earlier. There was the almost silent sound of circuits buzzing as the bot in front of her seemed to stand up straighter at the mere mention of his name, breathing in as ( y/n ) stepped back with her eyes wide in a mixture between awe and confusion. Google and Jack were now a few meters ahead, obviously not hearing the creature start to come to life as it leant its head back and clicked its neck. The woman opened her mouth to speak but couldn't get any words out as Jack and Google talked quietly to each other, the bot in front of her slowly turning its head to face her and it's eyelids instantly opening to reveal the unnerving red glow they gave off. As she stepped away nervously Aaron seemed to lean closer, his face completely expressionless as he took only one step forward before forcing his hands forward and wrapping them tightly around her neck, fastening his grip as he just stared at her face with emotionless eyes.

"I-I am A-Aaron let me h-help you--" His voice came out like static as he clenched his hands tighter, staring at the woman as she gripped onto his hands and attempted to pry them off of her but to no avail. It was only when she was forced backward and hit the shelf did her two bots realise something was wrong, with Jack turning his head just in time to mutter 'oh shit' before Google hurried forward and left the damaged bot on his own. It took only a second or two before Google had slammed himself into the side of Aaron, his eyes glowing a furious red as he forced the hostile bot off of his owner and tackled him to the floor. ( y/n ) stepped away quickly and put her hands around the bruise forming on her neck as Jack hurried over to make sure nothing went horrifically wrong.

"G-Google?!" He stammered as he held onto the shelf to keep himself balanced, although he almost immediately regretted his decision to speak as the other two bots' eyes slowly began to glow as they stood up straight and lifted their head to face the only two people standing. Google had Aaron's arms pinned beneath his legs and was throwing punches down onto the mindless bots face mercilessly, clenching his jaw as he slammed his scraped knuckles against the bots face in a fit of rage. He was too busy in his own desperation to get rid of the threat that he didn't notice the bots approaching the two people he was meant to be protecting.

"Jack, move!" ( y/n ) ordered hurriedly as she put Jack's arm around her shoulder to attempt to keep him standing as they began to run away as fast as they could. Google heard them faintly but was preoccupied with attempting to get rid of Aaron, the growling creature suddenly pulling an arm free and throwing a punch right against Google's stomach, causing him to choke and spit blood as he was reminded that he was only a prototype. Aaron shoved him roughly into the shelf before stepping away, wiping the small trail of oil from the corner of his mouth as he followed the others towards ( y/n ) and Jack.

"G-Google?! Google, get the Hell up!" Jack yelled as he began to panic, his back hitting the wall and his eyes widening in fear as his gaze flickered over to the door they had came in; it was the only exit possible, but with the problem of being surrounded quickly approaching it would be practically impossible to get out. Google was barely moving as he laid curled up on the floor, coughing and spluttering as he attempted to at least sit up but couldn't manage on his own. It was only then Jack noticed the shelves that were beside him, immediately searching through for something that could help them as the bots waited for Aaron to join them before heading closer slowly.

"Jack, is that--?!" ( y/n )'s eyes widened as she saw what he pulled out of one of the boxes, staring in shock as Jack took a moment to read what was on the small data disk before turning his head to face her with a urgent nod as he stuffed it into his pocket to keep. The chances of them getting to see what was even on the memory disk was essentially gone now, with their demise quickly incoming. Jack had almost thought it ironic, that was until he was suddenly pushed away and catching himself on a shelf. Instantly he stood, freezing for a moment as he saw ( y/n ) shove herself right into the path of Aaron.

"Get Google out of here, you hear me Jack?! Get the Hell out of here!" She cried out before attempting to punch the bot, only for him to catch her fist right before it could possibly slam into his cheekbone. Jack stopped in place and went to edge closer when the other two turned to face him, stepping towards him and causing him to sprint as best as he could over to Google. He grit his teeth and struggled to get him standing but forced him to despite any pain it caused him, sprinting with Google's arm gripped around his shoulder and glancing back only once to see ( y/n ) slump to the ground.

He wasn't meant to leave her behind; he wasn't meant to force Google to leave her either. He had to do what she had ordered him to no matter the cost, even if it meant leaving her to die; it was just in his programming. But they'd come back.

For her.

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