Part 4- Much Better~

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??? POV

'W... What...?'

George, Dream and Illumina stood in the court yard. George and Illumina being reduced to silohouettes.


Illumina hugged Dream while Fundy and Techno stood by. All but Dream becoming merely silohouettes.


Illumina running away from George carrying Dream in his arms while Sapnap followed, unfazed. Again, everyone but Dream becoming only shadows.


A loud, fast beating heart could be heard as a figure holding a gun stood over Illumina. He screamed but no one heard. The figure aimed, and shot. The sound rang out and Illumina's screams still echoed. A single bullet hole penetrated the skin and bone of the boys forehead. "Now. That's much better~ Don't you think?" The figure asked the body. He wiped away some of the blood. He stared at the crimson liquid. "Hmm. Blood is quite beautiful. Pity it had to be spilled."

~Dream's POV~

Dream awoke with a start, eyes wide and scared. He took a few deep breaths. "Dream, if your crying again, I swear to god-" 
"I'm not, dad." He replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice. 'I felt something bad. I have to call Sap.' He thought.

~With Sapnap and George~

Sapnap chuckled as he watched George struggle to reach the high shelf. "Want me to get Wilbur?" Sapnap said, stifling his laughter. "Shut the fuck up Snapmap." George growled. Suddenly Sapnap's favorite song came on meaning he's being called. (If you know you know)"Uh hi?" He said. "Hi Snapmap." Dream said. "Wha- Dream?" He said happily. "WHAT?! Is that Dream?!" George exclaimed, running over to Sap. "George! Stop!" Sapnap yelped. "Gimme the frickin phone!"
"Guys, we should go back to school. Somethings off." Dream interuppted. "To school? Dream, your dad said-"
"I know what he said and I'm fully going to ignore it and go because something is wrong. I can feel it." Silence filled the call. "Alright. We'll be there."
"Thank you! We'll meet at the front. Bye!"

~Techno's POV~

Techno stood in the library with Tommy and Tubbo, talking about stuff. "I'm glad your parents let you come to school." Tubbo said. "Yeah! I actually thought we'd never see each other again." Tommy said thoughtfully. "Eh, I'm happy I guess??" Techno said wearily. 

"Fundy wait!" A voice yelled as said non-furry boy came running. "Asshole!" He yelled. "What's wrong buddy?" Tommy asked. "Illumina is fucking dead!!" The three boys eyes widened. "What...?" Tubbo whispered. Fundy staled up to techno and grasped the front of his shirt. "And Wilbur told me that this fucker has a knife in his room." 
"Let me go or-" Techno started. "Or what? You gonna kill me too?" Fundy growled. "Techno. Say something." Tommy said, pleading creeping into his voice. "I didn't even know he died." Techno said. "liar!" Fundy barked. "Fundy. That's enough." Wilbur said. "And Phil is waitng for you two in in the other library. "Yeah! Let's go Tommy!" Tubbo said, eager to get out of there. "Wilbur-" The ginger boy started. "Look, this may sound silly, but Jess and Illumina both loved Dream, right?" Wilbur said. "That already sounds ridiculous." Techno sighed. "People that 'love' Dream are the ones being killed?"
"I don't know Techno. Are they?" Fundy accused. "Seriously guys, we have to be careful."
"I don't know Wil. I don't think this is about Dream." Techno said. "I hope your right..." The brunette muttered. 

"Wilbur!" Dream said, running up and hugging him causing Wilbur to turn a light shade of pink. "Uh- Hi Dream?" 
"He's probably gonna die." Techno joked. "So you choose him then?" Fundy accused once again. "Alright, that's enough you ass."
"I gotta go." Fundy said, and did so. 

The pinkette allowed the hug to last a moment more before clearing his throat. The two broke apart and Dream remembered what he came here for. "Oh! Um, everything here is okay, right?" He asked. He looked at the distraught look on Techno's face. "Techno? What's wrong?" 
"Dream..." He started sadly. "Illumina's dead..." Dream's face held no emotion but one look at his eyes and you could read him like an open book. He walked away without a word. "Maybe we shouldnt've...?" 
"No. I think we did our best."

Dream walked along the corridors until he found a spot under the stairs. "Every person I care about is dyeing." He sobbed. "Please make it stop!" 
"Dream? Hey, what's wrong dude?" Tommy said, peeking around the corner. "Illumina... Jess..." He muttered. "Its not your fault buddy." 
"Yes it is. Wilbur thinks people that care about me are dying. I heard them."
"That's not true. I'm still alive! See?" Tommy hugged Dream. Dream wiped away his tears and smiled. "Thanks Tommy. I needed that." 
"No problem big man! I'll always be here for ya!" 

~Techno's POV~

Techno leaned up against the wall with a dazed expression thinking about who knows what when Phil popped up. "Hey Tech, I'm gonna ask you some questions and I need you to be honest with me." He said. "I'm always honest Phil." 
"Have you ever killed someone?"
"Good- wait, WHAT?!"
"My sister. Remember?"
"I'm so sorry Techno. I forgot."
"Whatever."  The pinkette walked away, leaving Phil alone. He sighed.

??? POV

A beaten and bloody Fundy ran through the halls of the empty school, been chased by the same figure that killed Jess. That killed Illumina. He ended up in the principals office. A dead end. He sat up against the wall, vision blurring from blood loss. George entered office, confused at who was screaming. "Oh my gods Fundy! What happened?!" He exclaimed. "its- I- H-he.." Fundy struggled to find words as his mind was turning blank. The figure entered the office, unnoticed by George. He slammed the butt of the gun into George's skull, knocking him out and leaving a nasty welt on the back of his head. He aimed the gun at the ginger's head, and pulled the trigger for the third time. "Yeah." The figure said. 

"Much, much better~!"

Hello! Sorry for not updating! Also, thank you again to Patto Ream on youtube for allowing me to write down this wonderful series.


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