Part 6- Brother...

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George sat, tied up and gagged in the unknown room. Wilbur walked up to him, the fake blood still splattered on his face. He took George's gag and bonds off. "Wilbur..?" George whimpered.  

"I want you to kill yourself." He said simply. Tears slid down George's cheeks. "W-what the fuck are you talking about?" Wilbur chuckled. "Can't you see I'm just being understanding? I know everything about you George~" 

"No.. Dream! Your can't hurt them!" He begged the brunette. 
"Try me. I'll let you go, just for his smile." Wilbur said. "But you have to kill yourself." "And what if I refuse?" George said wearily. "Then I'll do it for you after you see their bodies~" Wilbur cooed, a wild look in his eyes. "Try to act normal in front of them, m'kay Gogy?" *He said, walking out and leaving George with Schlatt's body and a lot to process.


"Has anyone seen my jacket?" Techno said, walking over to Tommy and Phil. "Why are we crying?" He asked, relatively confused. "George and Wilbur are back!" Phil said. "Wil's fine then, huh?" Techno smiled. "I'm gonna go check on them." He walked off to go find the two.

"I thought you were dead!" Dream and Sapnap cried, crushing George in a bone breaking hug. They broke apart and Sapnap just started crying all over again. "Hey Dream!" Wilbur said. Bream turned. "I'm glad your alive," Dream smiled, hugging Wil. He hugged back but then realized what Dream was wearing. "Is this- Is this Techno's jacket?" He asked.

"I have no idea! I found it in a random class and I like it. So its mine now." The blond grinned. "I-" Wilbur was about to reply when the Blood God himself came up and hugged him. "Wilbur!"
"Tommy is crying right now." Techno said while Dream wheezed.

"Hey! That's my jacket nerd!" The pinkette realized, walking closer. "Buuut I like it. Can I wear it just for today?? Pleassee?" Dream said, giving Techno puppy dog eyes. Techno hesitated before rollling his eyes and huffing, "Whatever.." Wilbur stalked away, glaring at Techno. 

"Oh, Dream. I have to ask you something." Techno said. "I'm listening." Dream replied.

"We found blood in your room. What's that all about?"

"That was probably my blood." *Dream smiled sadly. "What do you mean?.." Techno asked, suddenly worried. "My father and I don't have the best relationship." 
"I see.."

"So what about the knife in your room?" Blob bitch asked. "Dream.." Techno sighed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I do have to protect myself." He crossed his arms. "But I thought you were the Blood God?" Dream teased. "Oh no you didn't!" Techno growled.


Wilbur walked through the library, a strange look in his eyes. "They were to close.." He muttered. "Then??
"Techno is like a brother to me.."
"Dream was wearing my brothers fucking jacket..!!"
He shook his head. "I can't hurt him.."

"What about others, Wilbur?" Sapnap said, walking in with George behind him. He shoved Wilbur up against the wall. "You killed everyone! You threatened George!" He growled. "I wonder what will happen when Dream hears this." Wilbur's face darkened and in the blink of an eye, it was Sapnap pinned against the wall with Wilbur's hands around his throat, blocking the airway. George tried to stop Wil. "Stop it! Please!" He cried. 

Sapnap fell to floor, the life in him seeped away. "I warned you~" Wilbur hummed. "Now kill yourself Gogy~!" He chuckled darkly and physcotically. "I'm sorry but we had a deal." George nodded wearily. 


George took a deep breath before placing the gun against his temple. 'Sorry again, Dream..' He thought before squeezing. The shot rang out.

"Was that a gun shot..?" Techno muttered, running towards the sound. He entered the library and found Sap's lifeless body leaned up against the wall as if he were merely taking a nap. "Fuck.." Tech whispered. "He's dead.."  Techno heard footsteps and looked behind him. "Wil?.." He said before blacking out. 


Dream held George as he struggled to get the gun back into his hands. Dream only hugged tighter until George broke down completely. "Everything's gonna be okay...."


Again, really sorry. Thanks for 1.1k reads by the way! Love you all!

-Toby The Great

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