Who he real is

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Mari Pov: 

MArinette : Hey luka 

Luka : Hey Marinette . Nice bracelet , Who gave it to you ?

Adrien interrupts  me .

Adrien: Hey Marinette .

Shoot i forgot to tell Luka , Adrien came back last weekend .

Marinette : Ooh um HI . Ummm Adrien this is Luka , Luka this is 

Luka: Adrien . Right I heard a lot about you . 

Adrien looks at him with a puzzled look , I look over at Luka he looks mad or confused but I am not sure what's going through his head .

Marinette : Adrien I forgot to tell you umm Luka is my boyfriend 

Adrien : Ooh really . How come you didn't tell me during the weekend . 

I look over at Luka he looks mad but before I could answer Adrien , Luka pulls me away .

Luka : Marinette , Why wouldn't you tell him 

Marinette : I didnt think it was necessary to tell him yet 

Luka : Why because you were gonna break up with me to go with him 

Marinette : Luka of course not , this isn't fair he was gone for  three years . What did you expect, you  wanted  me to be like Hi Adrien I have a boyfriend , I say with I puzzled look 

Luka : Noo what's not fair is that you tried hiding me from him , so what was I just your second choice just like he was before he left?

Marinette : You know what I have to get to class 

--------------- School finishes. --------------

Adrien Pov :

---- back at home --- 

Emilie : Hey sweetie . How was school today ?

Adrien : It was good it felt weird to be back at school 

Besides  the fact that marinette is dating Luka but I don't tell her anything because I don't want her to worry about it 

Emilie : Well why don't you go change and then come eat 

Adrien:  yeah sure 

I check my phone on my way to my room when I get a alert on my phone of pictures I took today one year ago . I look at them and I see me and Kagami . We were so happy back then until we broke up . I guess it just wasn't meant to be , I think while letting out a sigh .

Luka Pov : 

Ahh Adrien is back in Paris  , I going to have to let  my mom know  .

Luka : Hey mom 

Anarka : Hey Luka , Wait luka . Whats wrong ? 

Luka : Adriens back , he got here last weekend . What am I suppose to do ?

Anarka : Look you have marinette wrapped around your finger . Now you know what to do okay then by tommorow morning you will be on a flight back here  .

Luka : Okay mom . I am a call her right now .

----- Calls Marinette --- 

Marinette Pov : 

Hmm Lukas calling me , I wonder what his gonna say to me now . 

Luka : Hey Marinette . Sorry for earlier umm do you think we could meet up .

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