Birthday Extravaganza

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Disclaimer: I do not own any character other than Y/N

This past week has been very relaxing which was very rare but was very appreciated by everyone. We usually have a mission at least once a week so it is nice to not need to almost die for a couple of extra days. The night before my birthday I was reading in Loki's room resting my head on his chest when a thought popped into my head that I knew I needed the answer to. "Hey Lok, what was that bad dream you had a while ago about?" I asked knowing there would never be a good time for him to want to discuss this. 

He closed his book and seemed to come to the same realization as me, "Well darling," he said with a long sigh, "While you know I am Asgardian you do not know my exact heritage. As you know there are 9 realms, one of which is called Jotunheimr where there are these monsters know as frost giants. When Odin attacked this place long ago he found an abandoned baby and took him to raise as his own in the hope to force a bond between these two realms. I was that child, I am a frost giant and this is my true hideous," he then continued to show me his true form, he appeared to be blue with red eyes and the same hair. "I know that when you found this out you would be revolted so I understand why you may wish to have space from me. The dream that I had was that I was turning into one of those monsters as I killed all I cared about," he said. I could hear his heartbreak in that very sentence.

I walked over to him and put my hands on his cheeks while looking into his avoiding eyes. I moved a stray piece of black hair out of his eye and then placed my forehead against his. "Nothing could make me hate you Loki, " I said.

"But how, I am a monster," he argued.

I shook my head and looked into his eyes which were now looking back into mine, "You are Loki, a kind, stubborn, beautiful god of mischief and I love you," I said.

"I love you too," He said turning back into his Asgardian form, as we kissed and then went to bed in his room.

The next morning was my birthday and I woke up in the arms of the god is mischief. It was 9 in the morning so it was around the time that the building starts waking up. "Happy Birthday darling," Loki said into my ear. I did not want to go down to the main floor but I knew it was inevitable. I got out of Loki's bed and went to my room to get changed into a cute outfit using my powers to speed up the process. I went back to Loki's room to find him dressed as well, "Shall we?" he urged.

"As John Keeting would say, Carpe Diem," I muttered. Loki having been forced to read my favorite book Dead Poets Society understood the reference. When we went down to the main floor the whole team was up already with a table set with my favorite chocolate chip pancakes. "Oh sweet!" I said when I saw the food along with some presents in the living room. 

Bucky nudged Steve who were the ones making the food, "I told you these were her favorite," he said, knowing Bucky and Steve this was some sort of bet they made. The last batch of pancakes was just finishing up and Wanda was cutting up mango and plums, my favorite fruits when we all sat down to eat.  "Alright gift time," Bucy said when everyone was finished eating. 

We all sat down around the living room when Tony and Bruce gave me their gift, "Hope you get some good use out of this Y/N," Bruce said. I opened the colorful bag and found a pair of new combat boots. My old pair were very run down from countless missions. Tony then continued to explain how this pair of shoes can help me on missions because the heel of these boots has an extra boost of energy in them for my powers. I loved the look of them not to mention the fact that they could save my ass on a mission. Peter then gave me his gift, which was two matching shirts, one for him and one for me. The shirts said They may have science but we have youth (somewhat). The shirts were for us to wear whenever we play against Tony and Bruce in the games room or on game nights. I laughed so hard at the gift especially when I saw the small word somewhat referring to the fact that I was around 100 years old but still looked like one of the youngest on the team. Wanda and Natasha made me a new workout playlist which was very needed and they gave me a gift card for a really nice hotel to spend the night with Loki away from the compound. Even though the team may still be hesitant with him from time to time, they have begun to trust him. Clint gave me a really nice group photo of the team taken when we were at the beach in a really nice frame which Clint's kids helped decorate. Vision gave me a bunch of books which I was ecstatic about. Thor gave me a cookbook from Asgard that had a bunch of deserts so I could make them. Steve and Sam gave me a scrapbook filled with photos before my time at hydra and with photos from my time with the avengers. 

Bucky gave me a wrapped box which I opened to find all of my favorite things, a new blanket for when I was reading in the middle of the night, lavender and ocean scented candles, a new poetry book by my favorite author, and a letter at the bottom of the box. "Before we left for war mom and dad gave me two letters one for me and one for you, they said not to open them until they had passed away. The other day Steve remembered that we gave the letters to Peggy. Before she passed she told Steve that she had kept the letters with her so we went to get them. This one is for you." He said. I then continued to read the letter.

Dear Y/N,

We just wanted to say how proud we are of the brave and independent women you have become. Please remember that your happiness is always as important as everyone else around you. Make sure to find something or someone that makes you truly happy. By the time you are reading this, we will be gone and we just wanted to say you will forever be our little girl.

So much endless love, 

Your mom and dad

When I finished reading the letter I was a little teary-eyed, which is saying something. "Thanks, Bucky, you are the best brother," I said as I pulled him in for a hug.

By this point, all of the gifts were given other than Loki's which was a small box in the middle of the table. He grabbed the box and then opened it revealing a stunning silver necklace that had a small green pendant on it. "This is for you darling, and in the case that a mission goes wrong, even though I would never let that happen this pendant has a tracker on it you just have to push a tiny button on the back of it and we can track you wherever you are." He said as he put it on me.

I was speechless at the beauty of the necklace and the kindness of this man, "Thank you Loki, I love it." I said as I hugged him and kissed him.


This is a fairly long chapter so please like and comment any ideas for the following story, thank you for reading!

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