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Loki POV

As soon as Y/N rushes out of the room, clearly unsettled by Thor's stupid comment I harshly slap him in the arm. "You absolute imbecile, why would you say that?" I hiss at him.

"I apologize, brother, it just slipped out," Thor says shamefully. Everyone loves Thor, but we know that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.

"If no one minds me asking, what exactly was her past?" Wanda timidly asks, wishing for confirmation.

"After she and I fell from the train in the '40s," Bucky says as we sit in the living room letting Y/N calm down for a bit. "We were taken by Hydra and tortured until we mentally cracked. This allowed them to brainwash us into becoming ... mindless drones. Only not frozen when we were needed to kill anyone." he admits as Steve holds his hand. 

"Stark, can you take down that fan page. While Y/N and I don't mind our relationship being public. I know for a fact that having her name in the spotlight could cause people to start snooping into her past and exposing what she did before. The thought of that is probably enough to terrify her so I will be going now, let us know when the dessert is done idiot," I say while pointing that last statement towards Thor.

When I reach Y/N and I's floor I knock on the library door hearing the fire burning. "I thought you might like some company, I made your favorite hot chocolate, with marshmallows and whipped cream of course," I say as I set down the cups on our coffee table. 

I brush the hair out of her face to see that she is clearly a little shaken up by what Thor said, but mainly her mind was going a hundred miles per minute. I brush my hand on top of hers gently causing her to snap out of her thoughts. She jumps a little but relaxes as she sees me next to her. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly, knowing she doesn't like admitting any weaknesses.

"Fine, just a little unsettled about the thought that people may be looking into my past and your past. Making us both public targets." She says. I did not even think that she would be concerned about this affecting me but then again that is Y/N, always putting others first.

"I asked Tony to take down the fan page, even though we don't know who posted it, I am sure that I 'Stark Industries' can find a way to remove that page. Even though that doesn't solve everything. Even though it is not the most comforting though, many people are known for numerous things, both good and bad. Just know that we are in this together," I claim. Just as she pulls me into a hug.

"I love you," she whispers into my ear. She then gets up and starts to play some music from our record player.

We read for a while until our song comes on. She puts a bookmark on the page we are on and then pulls me up with her. We sway back and forth for a while until I decide to get a little more ambitious and give her a twirl making her chuckle. I then switch her in my arm and spin her until my arm is outstretched, holding her hand. We dance a bit more until we hear a chorus of aww's coming from the doorway. 

We turn around and see Wanda, Nat, Thor, and Peter who was holding a camera in his hand recording us. "Man of spiders you better not be recording us," I say with a serious tone, enjoying their terrified reactions to my statement. 

Peter runs out of the hallway making us all laugh. Just as the remaining group starts to head downstairs Y/N stops walking in the hallway, obviously deep in thought. The rest of us stop with her as she mumbles to herself about numerous ways to be known. Isn't that what I told her earlier.

"Finally!" Y/N exclaims as she starts to laugh. She sees us all giving her questioning looks. "What if we were looking through the wrong area, about the creatures we have been fighting recently. They aren't from Norse mythology, they are from Greek mythology," she tells us.

Everyone's eyes widen as we realize this breakthrough. "You are brilliant darling!" I say as I pull her into a hug and kiss her hair, enjoying her comforting smell of lavender, ocean breeze, and vanilla.

Our group joins the others in the living room for dessert as Y/N tells everyone about her theory. We talk more in-depth about this concept for half an hour more before we decide to watch a movie in the screening room. Everyone coupled up aside from the bachelors of the team; Sam, Peter, and Thor. Peter has been waiting to make a move on his crush MJ for months. 

We watch Grown-Ups, in the mood for comedy. When one of the guys in the movie shoots an arrow into the sky which makes his friends panic, we all laugh at Clint saying how that will be us when he finally retires. I put my arm around Y/N's waist as she leans her head on my shoulder. Halfway through the movie, I feel her relax and her breathing evens out. She must have been so tired from all this research and only taking breaks to work out or eat. 

When the movie ends everyone goes to bed and I take her to our room. I lay her in bed and use my magic to change her into her favorite pajama shorts and tank top. I lie down beside her after I changed and we fall asleep in our bed. 

I wake up in my old cell in Asgard, where I was being punished after I attacked New York. Only, instead of being surrounded by solitude and loneliness; I saw my mother being stabbed by a cloaked thing. I tried to break through my cell to save her but I was unsuccessful, I collapsed and screamed at the being, begging them to stop. "You were never my son," Frigga says to me as her last words before collapsing in her own blood. 

I then see Thor run into the room before getting chained to the floor by the being which used magic to pierce Thor with swords. He is shouting in pain as he yells at me, "This is all your fault brother if you are that, you could have saved us," he spits at me just as his eyes close and he takes his last breathe.

By this point, I am full-on screaming and banging into the cell wall. I then hear an all to familiar voice, "Loki? Why can't you just leave us alone." she whimpers as I turn around and see her in my cell with this cloaked figure holding a knife to her throat. I attempt to sprint towards her, but I cannot move. Y/N then becomes angry, "We were better of without you. I was safer and happier. Now you can't even save me?!" she shouts. I try again to grab her or use my powers but I am frozen in time. To my complete and utter horror, I watch the figure remove their hood to reveal... me. The duplicate of me continues on to stab her in the heart and cut her throat.  All I can see are the corpses of the Avengers and everyone I care about, and my duplicate with a greedy and evil grin. The corpses circle me as they chant, "I hate you Loki. Loki, Loki! LOKI, LOKI!" 

I snap open my eyes and see Y/N looking down at me in worry. I jump out of bed afraid I might hurt her or that she might hate me. I harshly bump into the wall as I slide down to the floor hyperventilating and shaking, on the verge of a panic attack. Y/N slowly approaches me and reaches out a hand to stroke my cheek, moving pieces of my hair out of my sweaty face.

"It's ok, it was just a dream. I am here for you no matter what," she says. I look into her eyes and see not a hint of doubt or hate, only love, loyalty, and admiration. It is then that I allow myself to relive what I just dreamt, causing me to start to sob out in fear of what I did in my dream. All of my biggest fears, coming true. I silently cry into Y/N's shoulder as she sits on the floor with me in her arms. She comforts me by brushing my hair with her fingers and kissing my head. I just listen to her heart steady heart rate, reminding me that she is alive and safe. I let her heartbeat lull me off to sleep as I let go of my worries of the night.


Thanks for reading. I am taking suggestions for my next story. Who should be the love interest, Bucky, Pietro, Peter, Nat?

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