Scavenger Hunt

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It was the morning of the scavenger hunt and knowing the team, this was going to get very competitive very quickly. Wanda made sure to customize the clues for each team using her magic, there would be five pitstops for each team. The teams changed at each pit stop based on who is at that destination at that time. Some pitstops were far away but every individual would have the same distance to cover. We were all in the living room when we all got our first clue. Thor and I looked at our clue and it said go to the "best food truck in the city" and order your usuals.

Without question, Thor and I began to go down to Central Park where our favorite food truck was. I would sometimes stop there after a long run for a cup of tea. Thor and I are definitely the foodies of the team so this suited us perfectly, thank you Nat and Wanda. 

As we were walking through the park Thor asked me, "So I see that my brother and you have become very close in your relationship. Tell me, do you see a future with this man?" he says deep in thought.

I chuckled at his question already knowing the answer, "Well Thor, I love Loki and I know that we make each other stronger and happier. So yes without a doubt I can see a future with him. Why do you ask?" I question.

He looks away quickly before blushing and clearing his throat, "Oh, no reason at all,"

When we reached the food truck at ordered my usual tea and croissant, while Thor ordered a pop tart specialty. On the bottom of our plates, we see some writing that is each cut-off at the end of our plates.

"Looking for these?" We hear a voice behind us. We turn around to find Loki and Peter. "Looks like we switch-off partners here," Loki says.

After looking at each other's plates we see that Peter is with me and Thor is with Loki. "See you later brother duo," I shout as Peter and I already swing away.

When we combine our messages it reads visit the best sandwiches in Queens.

"Delmar's!!" We both yell at the same time. Delmar was able to rebuild after it was destroyed in 2016.

As we are swinging over to Queens I ask Peter, "So, how are you and MJ going?" 

"Well I talked to her the other day at debate club, we were deciding the best form of astrophysics in order to achieve optimal accuracy when hoping to advance the current technology." He said as excited as a puppy.

"I'm telling you it's not every day a girl like that comes along, you got to make a move," I tell him.

"Ya maybe I will," He replies.

As we land on the roof of the deli we see a message written in the top corner of the roof. As we go over to look at it we hear an all too the familiar suit land. "Hey kids," Tony yells. Looks like he got partnered up with Clint who landed on the roof on a zipline using his bow and arrows. "Kid, I think you are with Clint, based on these two clues," Tony says.

One of the clues says to Travel to the location of the opening to Y/N and Tony's favorite tv show.

Tony and I head back to central park and go to the famous water fountain from Friends. As we were heading over there Tony began to tell me how "You know I see you as one of my kids right? And that I care about you," He tells me.

"Yes I do know Tony, and you how I see you as a father figure," I tell him. 

Everyone sure is getting emotional tonight, I wonder why.

When we go to the fountain we see Nat there with Bruce who were holding hand and Wanda is there as wel. "Hey guys, I thought I'd join the girls on a leg of this," She says.

We look at our clue which says to go to the first girls' night destination. We all instantly know that means the convenience store across the street. That is our go-to place for late-night chocolate, ice cream, and face masks. We walk over to the store and browse our normal isles for any clues. "Well I think we have all come a far way from our single days," Wanda jokes.

"Ya, You and Bruce seemed pretty cozy in the park," I say looking at Nat who BLUSHES.

"Did we just catch the lethal Russian assassin blushing?!" Wanda exclaims.

"I think we just did," I add

"Oh look there is a clue," Nat says, in a desperate attempt to take the attention off of her love life.

The clue is in two parts and we see Bucky and Steve outside probably at one of their pitstops. "Hey boys, got something there?" I ask.

Nat is with Steve and I'm with Buck. Our clue says to find the closest ally you had to defend Steve on. We laughed knowing that this definitely was made for us two. We knew there were some locations within the block so we walk around keeping our eyes open.

"How are you and Steve?" I inquire.

"We are really good, it is nice not having to hide our relationship now that the team knows. How are you and the god of mischief going?" He tells me.

I chuckle at that nickname, "Honestly Loki and I have been really solid this past year, you know, besides from life-threatening missions and injuries. Which is normal for us." I say.

"That is good, look I'm sorry how opposed I was in the beginning of your guys' relationship. But I just wanted you to know that I fully support you two now that I know him better and see how he has changed." Bucky admits.

"Thanks, bro, that means a lot," I tell him before he pulls me in for a quick hug.

"But you will always be my little sister." He says as he ruffles my hair.

I was about to make a sarcastic remark back at him when we spot a pair of guys in an alley. We decide to investigate them in case they are up to something bad. Just before we jump out of the shadows I recognize one of their figures and use this moment to sneak attack.

I jump onto Loki's back causing him to fall to the ground with me straddling him. "Suprise," I say in a singing tone.

He chuckles before pulling me up with him, "And I'm the mischievous one," He says as he kisses my head. I notice how his shoulders and his jaw are a little tense which is usually only if he is nervous or anticipating a fight.

"Hey are you okay, you seem a little tense?" I ask.

He lets out a relaxed sigh and puts an arm around my waist, "I am all the better now that you're here darling." He tells me. Even though I don't fully buy it.

"Ok love birds Sam and I are going to head out now the last clue is for you guys, see you when the hunt is over," Bucky says before winking at Loki with a smirk.

"What was that about?" I ask Loki when we are alone.

"Oh nothing, your brother just tends to enjoy getting on my irritable side," he responds.

We read that last clue that was on a dumpster bin and it said the final step is to go back to where it all began I hold Loki's hand as he intertwines our fingers as we begin to head back to the only place we could think of, home.


Thank you for reading. Please comment ideas for other stories you would want when I finish this one. I hope you all are having a relaxing summer so far.

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