Chapter 19: When the Bell Tolls - Amy

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It begins to drizzle, like a cool mist, slowly covering us all, making me damp, cold, and achy. I'm completely exhausted and feeling the pain within me intensify. The sound of scared, cowardly men echoes in the night air, pleading for mercy as if they deserved any.

My mind keeps replaying this horrible night, the way they treated me, and the people I love. How dare they beg for freedom, after what they've done and been doing to us all for decades? These same men looked on as if they were privileged enough to do anything they pleased, without thought of atonement. No, they warrant much worse, but most will probably escape their fate.

Stepping out from underneath the canopy, I look across the circular driveway, which is normally lined with limos. Yet tonight, several black FBI vans are being filled with those same high society billionaires. These men, who thought themselves untouchable, are now screaming and yelling at the agents, as they are forced into their new form of transportation.

Several of these men are crying as they get handcuffed and taken into custody. Each one is so remorseful now. They seem shocked by all that is happening to them, as these elitists blame each other for the despicable things that have done over the years.

The feeling of fatigue engulfs me and being wet just adds to it all. This was a very long night, but we may have finally come to the end of what my grandfather started, so many years ago.

I can't believe we all made it out of there alive. Not knowing how this night will affect me in the future, worries me, but hopefully, we will find Donald Millhouse's murderer and this case will finally be closed. My mission is to discover exactly what they all have done, and all the parties involved are held accountable for their crimes. Hopefully, they find every man and we bring them to justice.

Seeing my mom and dad across the way, I ran to them and feel better in that instant. Dad told me 4 men look like Mark being arrested as we speak. Then he had to leave with the others to go see the men who were killed in the room where they took my blood. It wasn't a nightmare. Someone killed them as I was sent back up through the floor to the observation room.

While talking with mom, I watch for Jay. He is still down there helping to bring Mr. Goodwin up here to safety. She and Paul are standing guard over me, which is no surprise. Looking around for Vin, I notice he is walking toward them. He keeps looking at the four clones and must want to see them more clearly. One of those men is his father, the man who did all of this to us, and soon we will know all his secrets.

Finally, we are at the end of this outlandish investigation, just waiting on one last piece. The members, including the clones, are just beginning their own long nightmare.

I'm still not entirely sure what they have done to me physically, whether or not I can believe what they have said, but time will tell. If I am pregnant, together with Vin and Jay, we will survive this new chapter.

The look on Vin's face grows angry and more resentful. He's been through so much and I'm sure he's glad this is almost over too.

Paul hugs me and says, "It's good to have you back, Pancakes. I need to check on something, but I'll be right back."

Knowing it's my friend, I feel a sense of calm wash over me. We are finally safe for the first time in a long time. Looking around at these agents, I finally feel like we have won.

Vin walks over and kisses the top of my head. He wraps his huge arms around me to ward off the cold. Waiting for Jay to return. I know Dave will help the Goodwin family out. They were a part of this to some extent, but James does not deserve jail time. Mr. Goodwin is sick. He did not look good, but the man is alive and that is all that matters right now.

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