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Germany's POV

This mansion is very strange...

Yes it looks like any normal mansion, but something about this place makes me feel....uneasy for some reason.

Japan doesn't seem to notice all that much since she seems pretty optimistic as usual.

"This place is so amazing Germany! It has so much stuff here!" Japan said happily.

"I mean...It is a mansion Japan..."

Japan giggled and looked at the signs on the wall on each room."Romania really likes putting signs up does he?"

"I guess he does."

"Hey Germany look! A library! Let's go in." Japan pulled my arm and ran to the library.

I do feel like reading a book right now...

Both me and Japan walked inside the library and was shocked on how many books were in the room.

Japan looked around."There are so many! Does Romania even read these? There's like- MILLIONS!"

"I think these were already here before,  These books look like it hasn't been touched in years."

"Woah...Ancient!" Japan opened one of the books and coughed at the dust that she inhaled.

"That *cough* was a mistake..." Japan said while still coughing.

I laughed a bit and looked at the books as well.

I don't know why but the uneasy feeling I felt earlier was gone...Atleast it's gone for now.

The books were very interesting, There were books about Zombies and other stuff I don't understand.

"Germany look I found a weird looking book! It's titled secrets but I don't understand it's language." Japan said while looking at the pages.

I walked towards Japan and looked at the book she showed me.

The book had a strange picture of a smudged person, apparently it's a fanfiction genre. It looked just as old as the other books inside but it had many pages torn apart, it looked like whoever the writer was didn't want anyone to know what's inside it, or they just really didn't like their work.

"I don't think we need to know what that says there."

"I guess you're right, i'm gonna see if there's more fanfiction books here! Maybe fantasy or Sci-Fi." She smiled and went to a different bookshelf.

Sometimes I wonder how Japan can be so positive.


me and Japan were reading lots of books, mostly the Sci-Fi ones because those seem to be Japan's favourite aside from manga.

"Wait what time is it?" I asked.


Japan tried to check if there were clocks inside the library, and there was.

"11 pm"

it's already 10 pm? it felt longer than that...

I closed the book I was reading and stood up,"I guess it's time for us to go... the others might wonder why we were gone for so long."

"Okay just wait!" before we left the area Japan took one book and happily walked away while I followed.

After we went downstairs we saw Canada and Romania passing by.

Romania looked rather upset while Canada was trying to talk to him.

"What happened to him?" I asked the Canada.

"I...Kinda said something I shouldn't have..."

"What did you say to him?"

"That's not important, you guys can go to the kitchen with Philippines, he seems lonely there." Canada said then left to follow Romania.

I was going to follow Canada but Japan stopped me, "Let's leave them be, Canada knows what he's doing, plus he said Philip is feeling lonely! We wouldn't want him to feel lonely." Japan said.

"You're right...."

Me and Japan both went into the kitchen and saw Philippines resting his head on the table.

"Hi Philippines! We're done searching upstairs so now we're here with you!" Japan walked towards Philippines and hugged him.

"So what did you guys see?" Philippines said while hugging Japan back.

"A library." I said.

"Cool! We can go there later if we stay longer, if you guys want to go in that is." Philippines stopped hugging Japan.


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