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"How are you sure it's Romania? This must be a misunderstanding! He seems.......nice---?" Japan didn't really know how to describe the Romanian, after all they usually only meet at meetings or parties (That America usually hosts).

"Well who else has access to the keys of every door here in this mansion?" Canada said.

Japan thought for a moment,"you're right..."

They all heard the door open and saw Romania walking by.

"What should we do?" America whispered.

"I think we should leave...he could kill all of us any moment." Canada looked at Romania, who was going to the hallway.

"Okay he's gone now...wake Philippines up."

"Do you guys even think this is a good idea? Yes it's true, Romania probably has access to every rooms in this mansion but how are we sure it's not one of us who killed Russia." Germany said, he didn't want to stay at the mansion as much as the others, but he knew that despite Romania's rather odd behaviour when they first got here, he wouldn't do anything like that.

"Yeah but doesn't he hate Russia." America said.

"And you don't?"

".....Good point"

Germany sighed,"Why not just tell Romania instead of running off without being sure of him being the murderer."

"Because he might lie duhh, this isn't some cliche horror movie! He might say 'no' and suddenly, BAM he's secretly the murderer." America said.

"Well I think it's better to stay here than getting lost."

"What are you guys talking about?"

Everyone quickly looked at the person who spoke, which was Romania.

"What are you all talking about?" Romania repeated.

Canada looked away from Romania, "Nothing...." he said.

"I'm really sorry for leaving earlier, I felt....sick earlier." Romania said.

The nations knew Romania was lying.

"So did Russia wake up? It's already 4 pm."

They all looked at Romania suspiciously besides Germany.

"Where did you go earlier." America said.

Romania clenched his fist and smiled "I'll go make....dinner." he walked away from the room and went to the kitchen.

"I only asked where he went..." America said.

Canada looked at Germany,"Are you really sure we're gonna stay here with him? He might do something to the food."

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