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"See! We're lost! I told you it was a bad idea America." Germany said in frustration.

America huffed,"It's not my fault, if Japan didn't lose the map we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!"

"Hey! It wasn't my fault! It was the Raccoon's fault."

"Of course, blame the animals for not paying attention." America said.

Japan sticked her tongue at America, Which America gladly did the same.

"That's enough you two, it's all of our fault for getting lost." Canada said.

"Not me though, I was just following you all, now I think it was a bad decision." Philippines joined in the conversation

Everyone kept talking the whole time, mostly arguing on who's fault it was while they were walking trying to find a way to get out of the mess they were in.

Russia, who was the only one that brought a phone out of all of them, tried to contact his siblings to get them but was sadly unsuccessful.

Russia looked at his phone's battery and noticed it was almost going to die,"My phone's going to die soon..."

Germany crossed his arms and sighed,"I told you guys to bring an extra map just incase something like this happened, but did anyone listen? Noooo."

"We may not have a map but we have food!" Philippines said happily eating the chocolate in his bag.

"I don't think we should waste our food supplies." Canada took the bag from Philippines.

"Hey that's mine!" Philip shouted while taking the bag back from Canada.

"We need to save up on supplies while we still have it."

Philippines huffed and looked away, giving up on getting the bag from the taller country.

A few minutes later it started to rain.

"Oh come on! Now we're lost and soaking wet! Can life get any worse." America said, covering his head with his hood.

Philippines saw something from afar, he ran to whatever he saw to have a clear view on what it is.

"Philippines where are you going." Japan followed Philippines to wherever he was going, then the others started following them too.

After Philippines got close he was shocked at what he saw and excitedly smiled.

"Guys there's a house over there! And the lights are on so there must be someone living there." Everyone looked at what Philippines was talking about.

It was a mansion. It had big cracks and the flowers there seem to be dead.

"We're saved! Let's go there." Japan said.

Germany stopped Japan by grabbing her arm,"Are you sure it's safe to go there? It looks like it could break down in any moment"

"It's better than staying here in the pouring rain where we might get eaten by predators." Japan said.

Germany lets go of Japan,"Good point...let's go."

They all heard howls and quickly ran towards the rundown mansion.

America opened the door,"Quick! Go inside!" He shouted.

After all of them quickly went inside America closed the door.

They tried catching their breath and dry up.

Russia looked around, the inside of the mansion seem to be in better shape than what it looked like outside. The area was clean, no cracks or holes as it was outside.

"The inside is more better compared to how it looked like outside." Russia said.

"No joke." America looked around, surprised at how clean the mansion is.

"Huh...." Germany felt uneasy.

Japan walked on the stairs and looked at the picture frames hanged on the wall. She saw a familiar face in one of the photos,"Hey isn't this Chad or-- err--- Romania?" She pointed at the picture that was framed on the wall.

They walked towards Japan and looked at the picture frame that Japan was pointing at.

There were two people in the picture, specifically like them. On the left side was a countryhuman with blue,yellow and red as their flag color. The other one had a similar flag but with an eagle.

"This must be Romania's house since Moldova is in that picture...But why is their house located here...shouldn't they live in their own country?" Canada said.

Suddenly they heard the door open.

"Why are you guys in here?"

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