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"We're back." Both Romania and Russia walked in the room that the others were in.

"Why did you guys take too long? It took you hours we got bored." America said while dramatically posing.

"It wasn't even that long don't be dramatic." Philippines said.

"Did something bad happen? Are you two hurt?" Canada asked, checking if both of them had any injuries.

Romania and Russia looked at each other,"We're both fine." Romania said.

Canada noticed a red stain on Russia's shirt.

"Are you sure you sure none of you are injured...?"

"We're fine." Russia said trying to not make eye contact.

"Alright then..." Canada knew there was something wrong.

"Is it still raining outside?" Germany asked.

"Yeah, I guess since it's still raining and it's kinda late, you all should go to sleep." Romania said.

"Sweet! Where are we sleeping for tonight?" America stood up the chair, almost falling down.

"Upstairs, you can choose which room you would like to sleep in just don't go in the last room in the left." Romania said.

"Alright! Thank you." Japan said then ran towards the stairs.

"Hey wait up!" Philippines said, trying to catch up with Japan.

When all of them went to their to their rooms, Romania had more time to think.

"That was close..."

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