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For the first time in a while Andrea felt numb, she was sitting in the police station waiting for her sister shaking

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For the first time in a while Andrea felt numb, she was sitting in the police station waiting for her sister shaking. She could feel her hands tremor in front of her, she only made one sound since the police arrived and that was a scream. Not because of her best friend's body again but because the police tried to take her gloves from her.

They relented and some nice woman ended up swabbing the blood off the gloves, it wasn't protocol but they made due. The same nice woman had guided her towards a chair and told her that her sister will be here soon, so Andrea was made to wait. She couldn't get the vision of her friend's dead body out of her mind. She closed her eyes firmly and tried to make it go away but it wouldn't she just would have to live with this forever.

She was about to start crying again when her Sister came running towards her. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Enola asked kneeling in front of Andrea. "Stupid question." Andrea huffs okay sniffling, her voice was rough from screaming so much. "Can you get a detective?" Andrea asks coughing into her elbow, she tightens the police jacket someone draped around her tighter around her body. "Sure." Enola looked at Andre confused before patting her on the knee and standing up.

Andrea watched Enola as she grabbed a detective, the detective followed where Enola was pointing towards Andrea. Andrea rubbed her hands together harshly watching as the detective nodded and walked towards Andrea with Enola trailing behind him. "Your sister told me you wanted to see a detective." The detective said as he sat behind the desk that was against the wall next to where Andrea was sitting. "Yes, are you the lead detective on Inez Barnes's case?" Andrea's voice shook as she said her best friend's name.

"Yes, it should be open and shut." The detective said leaning back into the chair clasping his hands together. "What?" Andrea whispers, she was shocked. "There was a person a few miles from your house bloodied, with a knife." Andrea opened her mouth but shut it quickly.

"It wasn't a knife though." Andrea looked at her sister and the detective pleadingly. "You said the intruder had shark teeth, but that's not possible. Our coroner said the knife matched the wounds on her neck." Andrea shook her head before standing up.

"I think I'm ready to go, can I leave now?" Andrea looks at her sister sharply. "Sure, I can have a detective lead you out?" The detective stands up and gestures to the door. "No need." Andrea shoulders past the people not bothering to apologize to them.

She makes it all the way to the parking lot before her sister grabs her arm. "What was that?" Enola asks letting go of Andrea's arm. "They're useless pieces of shit that's what!" Andrea harshly kicks at a pebble.

"Help me explain, why were you so upset at the detective back there?" Enola says pleadingly. "Enola, the guy had shark teeth." Andrea huffs walking towards Enola's car, she leans against the car waiting for Enola to unlock the car.

"Shark teeth? That's not possible, maybe it was a knife or something but shark teeth. No." Enola rolls her eyes as she grabs her key out of her pocket to unlock the car. "Enola! I know what I saw, the guy did not have a knife. He was sucking her blood, it was not a knife."

Andrea can hear Enola sucking her teeth as she buckled before starting the car. "Really Andrea? You're talking about vampires, those don't exist."

"Are you serious? I am supernatural! I watched my babysitter die of something I can't explain! Ever since then I can take on emotions, how is that not supernatural? How are vampires not so weird? Your sister is literally supernatural." Andrea shook her head looking out the window ignoring Enola for the rest of the ride.

Andrea knows what she saw, and she won't forget what he looks like. Andrea doesn't know who they have in custody but it's the wrong person, and Andrea knows that. "Look, Andy, I'm sorry okay." Andrea shut her eyes tightly. "Don't call me Andy, please." Enola nodded quickly but she kept her eyes on the road. "I'm sorry, Andrea I'm sorry. I'm sorry for shouting at you, It's not fair to you. If you say that a vampire killed her then a vampire killed her." Enola said softly, she reached over and squeezed Andrea's leg comfortingly.

"I can't feel anything Enola, my powers, my emotions. They're cloudy." Andrea looked down at her gloved hands, the woman who cleaned them did a good job because there wasn't a spot of blood on them but they still felt dirty to Andrea. "That makes sense Andrea, you lost your best friend. You need time to process." Andrea huffed at what Enola said, she rests her head against the cool window looking at the dark trees as they drove by them.

Andrea takes her gloves off harshly and places them on top of the center console. "We have to burn these." Andrea chuckles. "I can take care of it, we can stop by your place tomorrow to grab some clothes but the detectives said it's going to be processed by tonight. They should be finished then." Enola explains turning the wheel into her apartment complex. "Thank you, I don't know if I won't want t come back." Andrea shrugs as she unbuckles.

She gulps as she opened the door, she knew that couldn't live with Enola forever but Andrea was scared. She didn't want to go back to see her apartment, she didn't want to live there anymore.

Since she didn't want to live there anymore without answers to what happened to her best friend, she knew that only one person could help her, Sam Winchester.

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