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Andrea felt nervous, here she was loading up her car with the two bags that Claire and Andrea are bringing

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Andrea felt nervous, here she was loading up her car with the two bags that Claire and Andrea are bringing. Considering Claire is sitting in the passenger side, Andrea has to put her bags in the backseat which makes Andrea a little nervous if she needs her other pair of gloves while driving.

"Hey, you don't have some weird claim over the music right?" Claire asks opening the passenger door and getting in. Andrea's brows furrow as she slides into the driver's seat looking at Claire with a puzzled expression. "What? No, I don't, who do you know does?" Andrea presses her lips together as she starts her car, she checks her phone for any text from Enola acknowledging that she knows Andrea will be home soon but just like since she texted Enola, nothing.

"Oh, Dean does that. He has the saying driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole." Claire shakes her head with a smile on her face as she reaches towards the radio and plugs in her aux cord, Claire glances at Andrea who was staring at you. "You don't mind right?" Andrea shakes her head quickly and gulps. "I don't and I guess I can see Dean saying something like that. He yelled at me when I arrived because I was too close to Baby." Claire smirks and lets out a chuckle which makes Andrea's heart flutter again.

Claire bites her lip as she looks down at her phone, Andrea sighs and tightens her hands around the steering wheel trying to focus on driving. "You know." Andrea glances at Claire to acknowledge that she's listening. "You can take your gloves off if you want, it's a long drive."

Andrea shook her head quickly tightening her hands on the steering wheel, she knew that Claire could probably see the number of wrinkles in the gloves from how hard Andrea is gripping the steering wheel but she didn't care. "No, but thank you for the offering." Andrea could see the Claire wanted to say something else but she conceded with a nod and let her head rest against the window with her phone in her hand.

The ride passes by with an hour of silence before Claire speaks up. "I'm sorry." Andrea jolts in her seat because she thought Claire was sleeping, she nods and grabs her water, and takes a sip. "Uh? Sorry about what?" Andrea was confused, she didn't know that Claire did anything that she needs to be sorry for. "I'm sorry for asking you to take your gloves off, it should be something that you should do if you want to without me pressuring you."

Andrea looked out her driver's window so Claire wouldn't see the smile on her face." I appreciate that you didn't have to apologize though." Claire nodded and sat up straighter. "Do you want to work out a plan?" Claire asks grabbing her phone from the console in between them.

"Besides grabbing a hotel to stay that night at?" Andrea said teasingly, Claire shook her fondly shoving Andrea lightly. Andrea's breath caught for a second waiting to feel the onslaught of emotions from Claire but she didn't feel anything, just happiness and calmness radiating from Andrea's own emotions, she took a sigh of relief.  "I more meant like what is going to happen in California, when we get there I am gonna have to have you take me to the police station so I can see the body." Andrea's breath caught when she heard Claire refer to Inez just as the body instead of Inez.

"Okay, how do I do that?" Andrea asks bringing up her hand and wiping the hair off of her face. "Well, for one you can say you want to pay your respects or you can say I'm a P.I and you wanted an outsider to investigate this." Andrea nods in agreement. "So we'll do that as soon as we get to California? Like me taking you straight to the police department? Then what will happen?"

"Yes, go straight to the police department then once we've finished there we can go back to the apartment. I want to look around, I know the police looked but they've been known to miss things." Claire says smirking at Andrea who nods and turns her attention back towards the road. "Sounds good," Andrea says tightly sighing, she can't believe she's doing this. Andrea wishes she can go back to a week ago when none of this happened.


13 hours later, both women were full from the diner supper they had and they both could not wait to get into the motel, even if Andrea thought it looked shitty from the outside. "Uh, this doesn't look safe," Andrea comments as she brings the bag up closer to her. "It doesn't but we can deal." Claire smiles in the dark as she leads Andrea to the reception desk. "Hi, reservation for Wallace," Claire says smoothly, the woman looks up and nods typing something on her computer before sliding Claire a room key. "Oh, we were supposed to have two rooms," Andrea says nodding her head to the one-room key that the reception gave them.

"Oh right, we're all out of double bedrooms and conjoining rooms so we gave you a queen." Andrea opened her mouth to protest but she was cut off when Claire jabbed her stomach with her elbow to get her to stop talking.

Andrea looked at Claire confused before she started to follow Claire up the stairs towards their room. "What was that about? We can and should try to get a two-bedroom room." Claire shook her head at Andrea before sticking the card into the lock and opening the door when it beeps. "We can share a bed, it's fine. You take the side away from the door though alright?" Andrea looks at Claire shocked before shrugging, it wasn't the weirdest thing that has happened to Andrea in her lifetime so she guesses she can deal.

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