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Andrea sighed as she looked at her looked that was on the bed, she was just starting to like South Dakota because, unlike the apartment which held bad memories now, Jody's house felt homey and warm

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Andrea sighed as she looked at her looked that was on the bed, she was just starting to like South Dakota because, unlike the apartment which held bad memories now, Jody's house felt homey and warm. Now she was leaving, to go back to California where her sister and her apartment were. She picked at the guest room comforter before grabbing her phone and sending a text to her sister that she was coming back in a few days, sure it was kind of a lie but Andrea figured that it would give Claire some time to do some of the spookier things she needed to do without the fear of Enola walking in on them.

Andrea let her finger hover over Sam's text messages before clicking it and sending off a quick summary of what was happening, she knew that he was busy so he probably wouldn't see it for a while which left her time to pack some things. She ran her gloved hands through her hair grunting when the leather got caught on her curls before she yanked her hands quickly out of her hair, she needed to figure out when they were leaving. She walked out of the room not bothering to close it behind her before knocking on the door that she saw Claire go into.

She raised her fist and knocked on it, gulping she took a deep breath before closing her gloved her hands together letting them rest in front of her. "Hey, what's up?" Claire says as soon as she opens the door and sees it's Andrea standing there. "Hi, I was wondering we're leaving tomorrow right?" Claire nods and opens the door wider so Andrea can walk in. Claire's room wasn't that much different than the guest room but you could see tiny bits of her personality splashed everywhere, as Andrea was looking around she froze when she saw Claire's open bag on her bed.

She started to walk towards it and reach out and touch the things when she froze and yanked her hand back quickly realizing that might be rude. "We are leaving tomorrow, I thought the afternoon is that alright?" If Claire saw Andrea about to look at the things she's bringing she didn't point it out. "That's fine, are we gonna do a straight shot or are we stopping at a Motel?" Andrea asks tentatively sitting down on the chair in the corner.

Suddenly Claire smirks at Andrea before looking at her with a faux seriousness. "Well, neither of us are straight so I guess we will be stopping at a motel huh?" Andrea opened and closed her mouth a few times in shock. "How did you know?" Andrea finally asked after a moment of stunned silence, suddenly Claire looked at Andrea softly. "You have a pansexual and an asexual heart pin on the bag you brought with you and I have many lesbian flag patches on like everything I own." Claire gestures around her room with her arms pointing out the flags that Andrea wasn't paying enough attention to see before.

"Guess we're staying at a hotel then." Andrea chuckles before looking down and her feet kicking the carpet with them. "Do you think you can find them?" Andrea looks up at Claire gulping twisting her hands together. "Yea, for sure certainly. I'm sure Sam told you but Jody is working to get the guy free." Andrea sighed and nodded. "Yea, he said it would be hard because South Dakota has no ties to the case period. The prison system is so fucked up." Andrea shook her head quickly watching Claire carefully.

Claire scoffed in agreement and stood against her wall leaning against it. "You can say that again, but who needs the law when you got me," Claire says smugly puckering her lips and making a kissy noise at Andrea, Andrea smiled and gulped harshly. Something happened to her when Claire made a kissy noise to her.

Her stomach flip-flopped, that's when she noticed that her powers haven't tried to reach out and make Andrea grapple onto Claire's feelings until they would with other people even if she had the gloves on, she hasn't felt this free since she was with Sam. "I'm gonna go finish packing, do you know when Jody should be back?" Andrea asks standing up and placing her gloved hands in her pajama pants, which made her realize she hasn't changed her clothes since she got up. "Oh, she should be back around 5ish for dinner. Either she brings something or she makes something but I don't think we have anything in the fridge so she might bring something. No allergies right? Or dietary restrictions like plant-based or gluten intolerant?" Claire asks listing off some of the things which made Andrea's heart melt it felt like. "Um, not none of that. Thank you for asking though." Andrea nodded her thanks at Claire before quickly walking back towards her room before she could say anything stupid to Claire.

Andrea doesn't realize how fast the time went as she was packing because she only got out of her trance because she heard the door open, she looked at the clock that was on the nightstand before her eyes widened, she looked down at her clothes and felt shame. It was 5 pm and she was still wearing what she went to sleep in. She frowned as she walked towards the bathroom next door quickly before locking the door behind her.

She took off her gloves so she can give her hands a break before she took her hair down from the bun and started to brush her hair slightly, she washed her hands quickly before drying them and putting her gloves back on flexing them making sure her fingers felt comfortable which meant they were in the right places. Before she grabbed the door handle she looked at herself in the mirror sadly, at least her hair looked okay Andrea thought before opening the door and being hit with the smell of pizza and loud voices.

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