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Andrea was watching Claire take samples of the blood with wide eyes, she wanted to look away but she felt like for Inez she couldn't

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Andrea was watching Claire take samples of the blood with wide eyes, she wanted to look away but she felt like for Inez she couldn't. She had to keep watching, for Inez. "So, what does the blood tell you?" Andrea asks voice shaking slightly but Claire didn't comment on it.

"Well, for one it will tell us that she did indeed die from a vampire because if the blood isn't all sucked out the vampires leave a cell behind in the blood. Considering this is dry blood it will be a little harder but it will still have the cell." Claire explains standing up with a tube in her hand. "Do you need a microscope or are you going to send it off to someone?" Andrea's eyes follow Claire as she walks towards her bag and pulls out a microscope answering Andrea's question.

Claire smiles and touches Andrea's arm as she walks past, Andrea misses her hand as soon as it leaves she feels a sense of emptiness already so quickly walks towards the kitchen and grabs the cleaning supplies from under the sink, and places it down on the carpet next to the stain. "If it's alright I'm gonna clean this up." Andrea looks at Claire as she pulls her hair out of her face. "Yea it's fine, I grabbed three tiny samples which should be enough." Claire looks at the tube to double-check before nodding at Andrea which gives her the go-ahead.

Andrea stands up and grabs a cup of lukewarm water before walking back over to the spot and grabs the bottle of ammonia, Andrea grabs a white rag and dips it into the water ammonia mixture before dabbing it gently on the stain.

She didn't realize she was crying until she felt a hand on her shoulder breaking her out of her emotions, she blinked to realize that the blood on the floor was gone from how hard she was scrubbing. "Hey, give me." Claire gently takes the rag and places it on the side of the bucket and raises Andrea into a standing position holding her by her waist.

"I'm sorry, it was the fumes from the-" Andrea waves her hand towards the bottle of ammonia. "No it wasn't Andy, you haven't had much time to grieve from Inez. I shouldn't have let you do it, I should've done it before I looked at the sample, I'm sorry." Claire says handing her a glass of water and putting her hand on Andrea's leg.

Andrea was about to not ask Claire to call her Andy when she realized she felt okay with it, it used to be a nickname that only Jessica and Sam were allowed to call her but maybe she's okay with Claire saying it too. "You're right, I hate you're right but you shouldn't apologize, this needed to happen. I've spent so much of my life taking on people's emotions I haven't spent much time dealing with my own, I hate this." Andrea's lip wobbles as Claire shushes her and tucks her head into her neck.

"I know, I'm so sorry this happened to you but we are going to find out who did this. I'm not leaving until I do." Claire pauses and pulls back from Andrea, she grabs Andrea's hand and squeezes comfortingly. "I'm not leaving you until I do." Claire brings her hand up and pushes a piece of hair that had fallen out to behind Andrea's ear.

Andrea gulps and grabs her hair tie, she pulls it out making her hair fall on her back. "What happens when you do leave? I mean we aren't official, so I probably shouldn't even be asking you this." Andrea sighs and turns her head towards the spot where the cleaning bucket and basket were that held all the chemicals. "We could be official though, we haven't talked about it but we like each other. I mean I think at least."

Andrea chuckles and nods grabbing Claire's hand and brings it up to her lips kissing softly. "I do, want to be official I mean." Claire smiles wide. "Now that we're an official couple, we need to decide what to do," Andrea says suddenly breaking the sweet moment they were having.

"What do you mean?" Claire pulls back from Andrea looking at her confused. "I mean, are we going to do long distance? I mean we have to right, you're going to be hunting. I can't ask you to give that up." Claire slowly nods at Andrea. "You could always come with me?" Claire asks face lighting up at the idea.

Andrea takes a deep breath and slowly nods, she's spent her whole life in California but the state has been more bad than good for Andrea. She's witnessed two deaths in her lifetime, and that doesn't count the fact that her parents died. "I wanna do it, I don't have anything keeping me in California anymore. I don't have energy for my classes, didn't like them anyway." Andrea gives a dry chuckle at the last part.

"I won't lie and say I'm not excited but what about your sister?" Claire questions pulling away from Andrea to look at the microscope again since she got distracted before could finish. "Things are rocky right now, um she was really mad that I went to South Dakota but I need to do this. I love Enola I do but all my life she's been trying to protect me since Jess died but it hasn't worked, I need to do this and I hope she understands."

"She will, and I'll be right there with you when you tell her," Claire says pulling away from the microscope and writes her findings down. "So, was it what we thought?" Andrea asks leaning towards Claire trying to look at the paper, Claire turns the paper around until Andrea can see it, in giant letters is the word Vampire underlined along with some numbers above it.

"Let's go catch a vamp."


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