The night

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****JADES POV******
So wow, this is it I am in bed with Niall, this is insane, I've known him what a few days? But I just love him, I wanna be with him, this is so cliche! This isn't like me, definitely think that summer hill has been the making of a new more confident me. I'm not drunk anymore and I'm glad because I couldn't of done any of this if I was. The way his body moves is amazing, were so in sync with each others. His golden hair in my fingers, this is just everything I want in life right now, it also looks like I'm staying here tonight.

I cannot believe I am lay in bed with Jade god she's beautiful, she's absolutely perfect, I can't believe this is happening, every inch of her body is gorgeous, she's not skinny, but no way could I go with a skinny girl, she's about a size 12 and god, her curves, she goes in and out in all the right places, her boobs, all the way down to her legs, every single bit of her, god I love her, I've fallen so hard, she's just, my severe crush.

So, jades gone upstairs with Niall, normally id find it quite disrespectful but it is his cousins house, so it's not too bad!

OUCH LOUIS! What did you do that for! I'm not yours for you to slap on the booty! What are yous playing at man!

I'm sorry it's just, god you're hot Mil, you're just, unbelievable.

Louis, I've just ended it with my boyfriend, I'm not ready for a commitment, not yet.

Who said anything about commitment mil?

Sorry my writing is a bit shitty righ now!

@Wolvonarry is my writer feel free to follow me there and I will answer any questions there
Also I will give you all my personals there
Thanks for reading love you all for votin n stuff

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