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Lilly had gotten up that day; feeling better and happier; she had spent the entire evening with barricade and jacob as they took her for rides and even splurged onto her with gifts; she even felt happy and safe with them; she loved megatron but she needed her own friends and even though megatron felt out of sorts she reassured him that everything was ok. Yet lilly also knew she was lying to herself, she didnt feel happy at all.

everything she had gone through and all the hardships she faced. Things werent looking up for her in her own mind at least. She felt Like a prisoner unable to escape the confine spaces of her own mentality she was lost in thought remembering everything starscream did to her with blueshard; she might've not seen it.

Shuddering she continued to stare into the black vastness of her own termoil and only listened to pain of her own screams and begs. She just stayed in trying her best block out anything. She tried to focus on megatrons deep barritone voice. Or bumblebees happy buzzing; yet nothing worked. Barely feeling the steps beneath her feet she slumped down onto them. Just sitting there trying to tone out the horrors of her own mind.

(megatrons pov)

I smiled and looked at lilly; only to frown once i notice she was staying still; she wasnt talking or doing anything. I had no idea what was going on or how to help her; i felt my spark ache she seemed happy the moment she was home but i couldnt shake a feeling something was completely wrong. I turned to the other bots who were busy. "may i ask why lilly isnt talking or moving? Is she feeling ill?"

They looked to lilly before jacob walked over to her i watched him kneel down to sit next to her he wasn't saying anything as he only pulled her to him and motioned everyone to come around. We did and i felt a bit jealous but i wondered if he could help her; he did before.

"shes having a ptsd moment" jacob said as he stayed by her side. I moved to gently be near her standing next to the staircase incase she needed me. The others were gently waiting too. "what is ptsd?" i heard optimus ask sincerly hes never learned about mental health and i do admit i still am unsure what mental health is.

"ptsd is called post traumatic stress disorder; it is obtained when someone goes through traumatic events; as lilly here was; she has developed ptsd so she can easily be triggered. It doesn't necessarily mean any of you did something she could have an Amazing day and her mind can wonder off; mental health is an important part of a person. If they go through something that can deter their health or mental stability then they are not feeling ok and its not always being sick sometimes people are hurting in their own heads"

"maintaining complete mental health is vital; some people seek therapy which can help alot to produce the stability needed for a healthy mental brain because you can't fix someone who is going through trauma by medical uses or medicine. The best thing you can do is be understanding and let the person know they are safe"

I  listened carefully as jacob finished and the autobots were all sitting around lilly as i waited for her.

(end of pov)

Lilly barely heard them speak; she tried so hard to focus on Megatron but her mind kept coming up with horrible memories and scenerios that could cause her more pain. She hated feeling this way but she kept trying to search. Searching her mind for anything that get her out. Until she heard it that voice in the back of her head. A sweet gentle serene voice. Filled with calming.

"You are safe young one" lilly kept listening for that voice she kept listening for it willing herself to listen as she allowed a smile to escape her lips she smiled as heard the voice she was searching for but yet that voice that sounded female and sweet helped her.

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