Recovery part 1.3

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Lily had done alot; she felt herself getting stronger; but she feared the worst, Megatron wouldn't want her anymore. She hadn't seen him since yesterday missed him terribly. She heard the door opening turning in the direction of the sound.

"good morning, butterfly; we are going to get those wings fluttering again today!" jacob noticed that lilly wasn't in the spirits he could tell something was bothering her and sat on the edge of the bed his hand gently rubbing her foot as he gave her a sad look before speaking.

"come on, we have to get you better; i understand that your feeling alot of pain and anguish and whatever you went through was horrible, something i wished noone would've gone through but you have to get stronger ok" lilly nodded at him as he helped her before standing aside; lilly felt her thighs and legs burn as she hitched a deep breath before slowly walking.

She continued to keep moving until she reached the door frame and stepping out; using her hearing to listen for any other footsteps or sounds approaching her direction; moving towards the right she had continued to walk down the long hallway and reached out for the two large doors; gently pushing them open, lilly continued to move until she reached the front doors of the hospital. She stopped and turned. "i did good?"

"you did wonderfully! Now we can continue on; keep going; im not holding back! I am going to turn you into a healthy pretty monarch and you will flutter!" lilly giggled hearing him exclaim about how shes a butterfly and going to flutter her wings; though she enjoyed the happiness and cheerful tone he had towards her. She decided to continue on. Still wondering how Megatron is doing.

(at the base)

Megatron had pacing around; he had gotten stuck watching over the kids until the others got back. He growled before slamming his fist down. Jack and miko even ralph jumped; miko exchanged looks with the two before speaking up. "megatron? Are you alright, i mean we are sorry that you are stuck with us while lilly is in the hospital" megatron didn't speak. So jack spoke up.

"i would feel the same; i know its hard but you cant allow your anger to get you; i mean if you allow to control you then you will not able to control yourself"

"young one; i am not angry i am upset; i do not understand why but i am deeply upset and it is not your fault i am sorry for upsetting you" jack nodded and smiled at the large bot before miko screamed. Causing jack to cover his ears. "what if we take a picture of megatron and lilly together when she comes home! That way. If lilly is ever away or megatron has to go do some work for fowler then he has something to look forward too!" the boys widen their eyes at miko like the japanese crazy woman had grown six heads and jack had pressed his hand to her forward.

"are you the fucking hyrda monster?" jack asked as miko swatted his hand away. Megatron smiled he would love something to have as memorabilia even though hes constantly around lilly. Just he wished he was there by her side.  they heard the others come through as they looked sad. "we couldn't locate barricade. At all; i understand the decipticons dismantled when you turned good Megatron but how am i suppose to locate him" rachet had asked typing something into the computer; opening the bridge once more.

"go; your dying to see her" rachet said with a stern gaze even kyle her father smiled "come on; lets go see her" Megatron did not need to be asked twice as they left through the bridge.

(back at the hospital)

Lilly had walked around the yard of the hospital and even listened for the sounds of vehicles; animals; wind rustling the leaves and sounds of people and their footsteps. "you're doing amazing" jacob said standing off and taking notes and recording how much progress is being made. Jacob saw two people walk up; and knew who they were by their Apperances. Megatron in his holoform had sliverly long hair with purple streaks; he wore a grey jacket with a purple shirt and greyish pants his belt was sliver with a purple decpitcon badge he was built; strong and muscular. While kyle had short brown with alot of grey in his hair; blue eyes and was lean; he wore a brown jacket; with a white shirt and dark jeans and wore a brown belt with a dark blue decpticon badge. The two had walked toward lilly stopping a few away from her.

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