twenty three

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I can't believe she did it. I can't believe she actually chucked Heather's computer out of the window.
It wasn't quite as dramatic as it might have been, because she suddenly got all health and safety and shouted to the neighbours to get out of the way, and then said to Dad that he should move the car if he was that worried.
Meanwhile Heather was lurching between total gibbering panic and trying to be one of those guys in the movies who talk the terrorist out of setting off the bomb.
"Mum, listen," she kept saying. "Put the computer down. You don't want to do this, Mum."
Which didn't work. Mostly because she did want to do it.
The computer didn't actually smash into smithereens when she threw it. It kind of bounced twice and landed on its side. In fact, it barely looked broken at all, once it was sitting on the lawn. There was just a bit of shattered glass from the screen, which Dad immediately cleared up because of Snotlout playing outside in bare feet or whatever.
But I guess it's messed up enough inside that Heather can't use it anymore.

It looked a bit sad, sitting on the grass with her ancient Minecraft stickers all over it.
Everyone stared at it for a while, and a couple of people took photos, and then they all drifted home. I mean, hand on heart, it was a bit of an anticlimax. But not for Heather. She's devastated. I tried to say "I'm sorry" as we went inside, and she couldn't even answer.
I think she's in shock. She hasn't really spoken all evening. Mum is grimly triumphant and I think Dad is just relieved that the car didn't get trashed.
And although I really don't want to get into it, I'm wondering one thing. Does this mean Astrid won't come round anymore?

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