2: The Afterlife

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Heart beating faster than ever

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Heart beating faster than ever

135 bpm

Abnormally high blood pressure

148 bpm

Adrenalin flooding every vein

152 bpm

Pupils widening

But she couldn't see anymore, every single move she performed was executed on autopilot.

Instincts were trying to get her out of there, get her to run away and evacuate. However (Y/N) couldn't do that...

If the worst scenario was about to happen it would be all her fault. She had to stop this no matter what. Otherwise, who could say she won't have blood of her colleagues on her hands. What if someone is still nearby? Even if she died with them she would be responsible for their deaths. And what would happen to the whole city of Geneva?

This has to end now.

The last thing she heard was her own voice. A shrill scream ripped the lining of her throat.

She felt herself being pushed down by an invisible force when an almost unbearable pain struck her spreading a burning sensation all over her body. And suddenly everything went black.

»»————-  ————-««

Her eyelids seemed to be glued together, that's how hard it was to try and open them. A slight breeze was cooling off everything that burned like hell just a few moments ago.

Or how long has it actually been...

Hands were desperately looking for the ground to help her into a sitting position. Lifting her heavy, aching body somehow forced even those stubborn eyes open, for them to be instantly blinded by a noon sun. She laid back down into the meadow full of flowers she found herself in and closed her eyes again.

Could it be... could I be... dead?

She wasn't able to make sense of the situation. Like... I've never believed in an afterlife, heck I am not even religious, but this here just seems otherworldly calm, and peaceful... and you know how it is, if you don't have any solid proof for something not existing, there's always a chance... Her mind rapidly stopped right in the middle of this train of thought.

(Y/N), calm down, it's probably just the concussion speaking, you hit your head pretty hard after all.


and now think. Firstly, if anything like the afterlife was to exist you would have most likely been burning in hell by now or receiving other forms of eternal punishment. Secondly, remember how you got here...

An ear-splitting alarm, raging lightning, a wave of light, pain, and then something that felt like a very long fall. It wasn't how you've predicted it, you didn't have a chance to properly set it up, however, it looks like it most likely worked!

"Hey! What are you doing here? No one is supposed to be wandering outside of the walls!"

The unexpected shouting sent (Y/N) right up on her feet. She observed the man that was staring back at her from his chestnut horse. When this young genius didn't respond, thinking it'll be way safer to play dumb and wait for the situation to unfold itself because she didn't know where or even WHEN she was, the man in the meantime jumped off of his horse.

"Are you deaf? What's your name? Do you have any legitimation?" His English was very good, that could be a hint.

"I am sorry sir, I think I forgot it at home," she responded firmly, with just a tiny bit of uncertainty in her voice.

"Oh is that so... and where are you from?" Contemplating answer took her just a few seconds but that's all the man needed. In no time he slipped her backpack off and in one swift move, he pinned her to the ground face first, cuffing her wrists behind her. "I should probably inform you that wandering outside is against the rules and because of the latest events you are under suspicion. If you resist I won't hesitate to kill you," he hissed.

Well, that escalated quickly... But for some reason, it feels like I would have ended up like this even if I stayed quiet or told him the whole story.

Without a warning or consent, he lifted (Y/N) up like a feather, throwing her over his left shoulder, showing no signs of struggle.

"Sir, may I have just one question?"

"What year is it?"

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