3: The Imprisonment

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The air was so cold and humid that visible clouds of fine mist formed every time (Y/N) breathed out

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The air was so cold and humid that visible clouds of fine mist formed every time (Y/N) breathed out. Deep silence, which was occasionally broken by sounds of falling water drops meeting with the cobblestone ground, surrounded her. Neither the cold nor the fact she was now sitting on the edge of a plain bed, handcuffs still on, in what struck one as being a prison...

in an unknown, eerie cellar...

bothered her. Maybe it should but it didn't. Because one thing was certain, she was in trouble. Sooner or later someone was going to interrogate her. So at least she had some time alone on figuring out how she was going to approach this situation.

There were at least three, perchance four, possibilities presenting themselves as plausible at this particular moment. She brought her right leg up, close to her chest so she could rest her chin on it.

Apparently, it was year 850.

Taking everything she was able to see up to this point into consideration, led her to an assumption that she wasn't familiar with this year 850, not even through history books and lectures. If this wasn't the past 850 CE nor BC, it could be future. Which would suggest that something important had to happen for people to start counting years from zero again.

She scanned the environment once more and her eyes got lost in the mesmerising, dancing lights coming from the only source of light: a simple torch connected to a wall on the other side of this prison's metal bars. Her mind raced like never before.

She was consumed by her thoughts, she almost missed the specific sound of cracking wood. The nearby gate opened. Ears suddenly on top of her head, concentrating on a muffled conversation that was trying to hide behind the stomping of its speaker's boots. She recognized the voice, it was the man who put her here speaking.

"When I was delivering the message for Garrison of the Trost district as you assigned me to do, Sir, from top of the wall I saw a bolt of lightning struck the ground out of nowhere. I didn't think twice about it and rushed to the place of its occurrence and that's where I found her."

"Did she try to defend herself? Was she resisting?" Second voice, most likely man's voice, considering its low timbre, asked.

"No, sir, in fact, she didn't resist at all, I guess she was just too surprised by me showing up. And the only thing she asked while I was arresting her was 'what year is it?', I don't know what game she's playing but I don't like it."

"Does anyone else know about her?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Good. Thank you, I will take care of her from now." Door slam followed and only one pair of steps was left there with her. Until they stopped right in front of the cell she was sitting in, revealing the man they belonged to.

This man seemed like someone who could be called objectively attractive, (Y/N) thought. Many studies were written analysing human appearance and conventionally beautiful features and this guy had them all. Tall, blond, masculine, with a jaw and cheekbones which, under right circumstances, could probably cut glass, face symmetry on point. His inspecting icy blue eyes landed on (Y/N)'s crouching body. In complete silence, she looked at him, her head slightly tilted to the side, trying to read as much information as she could.

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