1st Day Hitobito

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Hitobito Hero Agency, that's what they call it. The hero agency Emi Fukukado got herself into, or more like the agency her father tossed her into being a high-school fellow with the President-Osamu Aodori.

The number one agency, they call it. Despite rarely spotted, Hitobito is popular among angencies due to their high mark cases. High ranked missions are usually claimed 'untreatable' or tossed to Hitobito as its last resort. Emi knew that working under Hitobito will be more of a headache than working in another agency, but it needs to be done, just so her dad can let her live in peace.

The seafoam-haired lazily walked into the lobby, seeing hero-like figures walking back and forth early in the morning. Despite being told to wear the hero costume provided by the agency, she decided to walk in without it, having the costume messily tucked to a paperbag.

"Where is the president's office?" Emi asked the receptionist, showing the license card she hate-her face looks like crap in it. The receptionist greets her with a warm smile, "You must be our new hero, Ms. Joke. Welcome to Hitobito! We are down by available hero number due to the country's crisis, we are looking forward to working with you. The president is waiting for you on the third floor." Emi nodded, replying with a smile, although she didn't feel like it. "Thank you," she uttered, walking away, "and please call me Emi."

Emi pushed the door before her after getting a reply from who she assumed was Osamu. She squinted her eyes confused as she saw the only figure sitting on a couch, opening a case file. "You...?" she muttered, causing the figure to turn his eyes at her.

Shota Aizawa. "Good grief," the raven-haired hero muttered, sighing. As she walk closer to him, Emi asked, "You're the president?"

"No," Aizawa replied short, crossing his legs to turn back his focus on the file. Emi shrugged, taking the seat next to him, crossing her arms.

Before she get to ask him more about who and where the president is, a figure was seen walking in, his eyes gleamed as he saw her. "Emi-chan! The last time I saw you you're this small!" The president gestured 'how small' by the distance between her index finger and thumb. "Uncle Samu," Emi muttered.

Osamu sat on his desk, "I assume you both have known each other? Aizawa, Fukukado," he uttered, "she's your new partner." Aizawa's eyes slightly widen in surprise, glancing at the figure sitting next to him, already imagining eternal torture. He sighed, Emi looks like nothing but a spoiled irresponsible baby.

"If you don't mind Aodori-san," Aizawa started, "I don't think I am skilled enough to associate with her." Emi squinted her eyes as the familiar punch-on-the-face urge entered her body. Osamu chuckled, "Aizawa-kun, you're one of the most skilled heroes of our agency, but there is so much more about being a hero than just combat skills, social is one of them," he uttered, "besides, I didn't ask you to babysit her. Perhaps you'll be able to benefit each other."

Aizawa sighed but nodded, he respected Osamu too much to refuse his orders, "If you say so."

The two heroes walk alongside by the hallway. Aizawa tossed the file he was holding to her, it almost fell to the ground but the seafoam-haired managed to catch it last second. "You need to stop underestimating me, I may not look like it but I was on top of my class!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Aizawa muttered. He gestured a passing hero to stop, pro-hero Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada-Emi recognized him, her eyes widen in surprise. "Present Mic! I love your radio show!"

"Thankyou very much," Hizashi uttered, "and you are...?"

"Emi Fukukado, the boss' nephew," Aizawa cut. Hizashi nodded in understanding. Emi squinted her eyes at him, annoyed, "And a pro-hero! You missed the important part Mr. Aizawa."

"Yeah, a pro-hero," Aizawa muttered, walking in advance. 

Emi watch his back as Aizawa got further. She clicked her tongue, annoyed. "He's not as bad as he seems," Hizashi uttered as if reading her mind, "Shota, he's actually a very caring person, saved my life lots of times."

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