mission accomplished

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According to the map shown in the file, Aizawa gave her, she's in the right location. But unlike what was written on the sheet, nothing seems to be going wrong. Before she even knew it, the mission was over-she knew from an e-mail sent by some unknown account which she assumed was someone from Hitobito.

A vein popped out on her forehead, Emi clenched her hand to a fist. She quickly typed a name on her contact list.

"What is this about?" Emi uttered, "how is the mission over?" She heard the other person sighed, "First of all, who gave you my number?" he asked, although Aizawa got a name in mind, "Second, it's over because I did it."

"Third, before you ask why, it's because I can't risk you slowing me down, it might just be all fun and games for you, but it's a career for me." Emi was about to yell at him but the man cut the line, causing her anger to rise.

Bastard, I won't let you get away with it.


"I'm home," Emi uttered, pushing the door before her to the view of her dad sitting on the couch watching television. The house was a mess, much from the party her dad held the other night-the one she choose not to attend.

"Welcome home," her dad-Taki Fukukado-said excitedly, turning his head at her. It's a rare view seeing him so content, Emi can't help but smile. Emi lazily let go of her bag, letting it lay on the ground as she walks over to the couch her dad is sitting at. 

"How's your first day?" The man asked excitedly. Emi rested her head on her dad's lap, closing her eyes tiredly, "It's alright, but Uncle Samu paired me up with some hobo." Taki chuckled, stroking his daughter's hair.

It has always been the two of them, at least that's pretty much all she remembers. Emi only wanted to live up to his expectations and live up to his dreams-the one he couldn't make true due to being quirkless, that's the least she can do to pay him back for raising her.

Emi sat up after some time. "Where are you going?" Taki asked. "This house won't clean itself," Emi uttered, grinning.

"I heard the agency provide you with a dorm? You can move out if you want to," Taki uttered causing Emi to stop walking, turning her head at him. "Is that your way of kicking me out? Tell me, old man, isn't it too old of you to date someone?" she teased. "I would never!" Taki protested. Emi laughed, "Don't worry, I prefer living with you no matter how old you get, make sure you reach 200."

After she's done with cleaning up, Emi dumped herself to bed, picking her phone to check up on some possible mail or texts-which doesn't exist, so she placed it back-somewhere it'll be hard for her to find later on, but Emi Fukukado, she never learns. 

Emi turned over as she decided to call someone, an interesting idea appeared before her. "Uncle Samu," she greeted as soon as the other person accepted the call, "Is there any hard missions coming up?" 

The call lasted for a few minutes, started with a short greeting and Osamu surprised that Emi would bother calling him in the first place, much less work-related knowing she's not all interested in being a hero in the first place, a request, and a proper goodbye. Emi sighed as it's all done, grinning proudly at herself as she stared at Aizawa's name in her contact list.

"Eraserhead, just you see," Emi muttered to herself.


Aizawa finds himself walking out of the president's office early in the morning after receiving a call yesterday, late at night, cursing himself for not getting that cup of coffee he needed. With him, another mission file for the day. Emi wasn't there around, not that he was searching. They were supposed to work on this mission together, not that he's looking forward to it. Actually, the Eraser hero was glad, perhaps he'll be able to finish this one by himself too and finally make Osamu realize that he's good enough to work alone like he always did.

Aizawa wonders why he was paired in the first place. He can't remember slacking off or failing a mission. Yes, he sleeps a lot in the office, but that's all after the mission's done. The only time a mission went near to failing was when he was paired with some random newbie which brought him down, playful, loud, and was scared of spiders-it being a part of the mission, or more likely appeared to be somewhere in the streets they were passing. What Osamu should do is make sure he's away from the world not pair him up with another random newbie for a possible same mistake. Come to think of it, Emi's a lot similar to the hero he was paired with. And she, she did not last two months. 

"Aizawa-kun!" uttered an overjoyed figure. "Eraserhead, we're at the office," Aizawa uttered bored. Emi pouted then shrugged, "Too bad, you can call me Emi though." 

"Ms. Joke is fine," Aizawa uttered, "not that I plan on calling you."

Emi reached out the coffee she held to the raven-haired hero who simply stared, confused. "I brought you this," she said. If he didn't forget grabbing one in the morning, he wouldn't have accepted it, but he did, and life comes first. "Thank you."

"And your fly's down," Emi giggled. Aizawa's eyes widen, immediately looking down that his coffee almost spilled over only to find Emi laughing even more and it being a joke. He sighed, "Good joke."

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