Chapter 3

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"Does anyone have a problem if I read next" asked Remus looking around for any objections. Lily just gave him a nod and a smile and so he started reading out loud.

Dear Mr and Mrs Dursley,

I am distraught to inform you that your nephew, Harry Potter, has got himself into a lot of trouble. Today he was caught climbing onto the roof of the school. He says this was because your son, Dudley Dursley, and his group of friends were chasing him and threatening to hurt him and that he just suddenly appeared on the roof.

Dudley is a role model at this school and we find it very hard to comprehend that he would try to hurt another student. Harry however has been getting into various spots of trouble recently and if this countinues he will no longer be able to attend this school. We hope you can talk to your nephew at home and sort put any problems he may be going through.

Your son has told us his side of the story and says that they were all just playing a game and then Harry flew onto the roof. As you can imagine we find both of these stories very hard to believe, and so we came to the conclusion that Harry must have climbed onto the roof and his friends are just trying to protect him from getting in to trouble. We are very sorry to say that we cannot stand this behaviour and so we have taken away his outside break time and he will have to spend an hour after school with me in detention.

Your respectively,

Ms Roody.

"That must have been accidental magic!" Gasped Sirius.

"But he must have flew, that's impossible?!" Stated Minerva.

"Of course it's not. I know of someone else who once did" said Dumbledore his eyes twinkling brightly. Most people around the table looked as though they wanted to ask but knew they would never get an answer and so Remus continued.

Dear Aunt Marge,

Hi, it's Dudley! Mum told me because you were away and couldn't make it down for my birthday that I should write you a letter telling you how the day went.

My day started off by me waking up and going downstairs to the kitchen. I went in and he was making breakfast. You know who he is, yeah? Harry, the annoying one mum says is my cousin so he needs to stay. Well he was making breakfast but he was taking ages! I then counted my presents to be shocked that there was only 37, one less than last year! I couldn't believe it and so I said so but they said that your present counted for two because it was sooo big! Mum quickly said sorry and promised to get me another one which made me happier.

We went to the zoo and Piers, my friend was coming with us. So did Harry, which was bad. He had to come because the old, smelly lady across the street had broken her leg falling over one of her smelly cats. How stupid! Thats why you should have dogs like you, then they don't act stupid and get in your way.

As we were driving there he started talking about a really weird dream he had about a flying motercycle! He's so strange but dad quickly told him that motorcycles don't fly and so that shut him up until we got to the zoo.

I got to see the lions and the tigers which were cool but didn't do very much so me and Piers tapped on the glass but they still didn't move and this stinky lady with a horrible green jumper on told us to stop so I stuck my tongue out at her. The ladys face looked really funny and dad laughed really loudly too which made her face even funnier.

All the other animals were really boring so I said so and we got to go and get something to eat. I had a giant burger with lots of cheese on it, you would have loved it, and then a knicker-bocker glory after. But the first one was so small that I had to get dad to go ask for a proper sized one. It nearly ruined my whole day!

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