Chapter 4

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Hey guys I am so sorry it has taken so long for me to get another chapter up as I meant to update before my exams started but then I got sidetracked. I had originally meant for there to be two letters in this chapter but as I am still in the middle of my exams I decided to just post what I had and I will try to update again when I have finished my exams.


Lily continues,"I'll read the next ones if that's ok with everyone else?" No one disagrees and so she starts to read from the next letter.

Dear Hagrid,
As you must have realised this year Mr Harry Potter will be starting his first year at Hogwarts. Unfortunately it has come to my attention that he has not returned or even received his letter to state that he will be attending.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear about what he gets up to when he finally gets to Hogwarts!" Said Sirius, grinning, remembering all of the mischief he and his friends caused while at the school.

This is rather concerning as I know Mr and Mrs Potter would have expected him to start and I know from Arabella that he is not squib. I must assume that Mr and Mrs Dursley intend to not let him go and so I must request that you go find Mr Potter personally.

Hagrid smiled at the idea of Dumbledore trusting him with something so important and at the idea of being one of the first people to see Harry since he was a baby.

This is a very urgent matter as Mr Potter is no longer at his house and he must confirm his attendance soon.
As Mr Potter is no longer at his house it has been a challenge to track him and find out where he is and since he is not using magic yet this makes it even harder. His destination seems to be constantly changing as well and I have come to the conclusion that his and aunt and uncle are trying to keep him away from home and hope that we will give up. Obviously this is not the case and I have been trying my hardest to pin point his location for the past couple of days. I have found him at a hotel in Cokeworth where I have convinced a man a few towns away to let the Dursley family rent out a small house on an island a few miles out from shore. I am hoping this will attract Mr Dursley and convince him he is "safe" from us.

"Of course that fool would think that you could actually run away from witches and wizards and that they wouldn't find you" sighed James feeling angry at the man who was stopping his child from attending Hogwarts, "I don't understand what they think he will do if he doesn't go to Hogwarts, he would actually be a danger if he never learnt to control his magic."

This is where you must head to meet Mr Potter and so I have attached a map and directions that will lead you there. I am sure you will be able to do this inconspicuously and will not even need to hire a boat.

"How would he be able to cross miles of water without a boat?" Thought Marlene, especially since he doesn't have a wand.

Once there, as his Aunt and Uncle have avoided even a letter that relates to the magic world, I very much doubt that they will be willing to accompany Harry to diagon alley to collect what he will need to start school.

"I can't believe we will never be able to take Harry to diagon alley, never get to send him off on the express, or see his first report card and if he's anything like you he would have been straight into quiddich..." Sighed lily her eyes tearing up. James quickly moved closer to her a again and wrapped her up in a hug.

I would also prefer if they did not accompany them as I fear if they see the amount of money that was left to him, his home life will not improve at all.

"Well, yeah they'd probably just steal all his money!'

I have enclosed in this letter Harry's details so that he may take out money for his robes and books and anything else he may need.
I hope he will accept his invitation to begin at Hogwarts and so I have also enclosed his train ticket and please do remember to give him instructions as to how to get to the right platform. I am sure this will all go to plan and we will see Harry at Hogwarts at the start of term.

"I certainly hope so" said James, sounding excited despite the idea of him not being there to see it all for himself.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Dumbledore.





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