Chapter 4: Angry Texts

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June 11th, 1979

Regulus woke up early again the next morning. He knew James was downstairs and he didn't want to talk to him but for some reason it felt like the right thing to do.

He pulled on a shirt and went downstairs. James was sitting on the couch on his phone when Regulus got down there.

"Hey," Regulus said in a quiet tone.

He sat down next to James on the couch and James looked up from his phone smiling.

"Hiya Reggie, didn't expect to see you down here this early especially after late night. Actually what did happen last night," James asked.

"Well he asked why I was here and I don't know why but I freaked out and started yelling at him," Regulus responded frowning.

"I personally don't care why you are here so I'm not going to ask unless you want me to because I think it's a pleasure having you here and out of that toxic household," James stated.

"It feels amazing to get out of that house. Well I'm going to make breakfast so you can help me if you want," Regulus said.

James nodded his head and Regulus walked into the kitchen as James followed him.

They spent the next couple hours cooking and getting ready for the day when Remus and Sirius finally came down.

As they ate breakfast Regulus joined in on there conversations occasionally unlike yesterday.

Later that day

Regulus was reading in Remus's room when James came in with sweat dripping down his forehead and his shirt soaked with sweat.

"Remus just made me go on a run with him. Holy shit I'm tired now," James complained.

Regulus laughed, shaking his head as he went back to reading his book.

James collapsed on the bed where Regulus was reading.

"Whatcha reading," James said taking to book out of his hands. "Boring," He added as he threw the book on the floor.

"James!!" Regulus yelled.

"Your boring because all you do is read all day. Oh yeah also you should probably check your phone because I'm sure you have lots of texts from your family," James stated.

"If I'm being honest I'm scared to turn on my phone," Regulus responded.

James handed him the phone and Regulus nodded.

When he turned on the phone 30 missed calls popped up, 10 texts from Peter asking where he is and if he is okay, 20 texts from Alyssa saying how she didn't know he felt like that and that she was sorry.

He also got a ton of texts from his parents but he was afraid to open them.

"Who is Alyssa."

James glanced at Regulus's phone and Regulus quickly turned the phone off.

"Who is Alyssa, Reggie?"

"No one."

"Regulus who is Alyssa, You can trust me."

"No one okay," Regulus yelled.

James opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it realizing it was best to not say anything.

"Just trying to help."

"Fuck off Potter, I'm not your friend so leave me alone."

James put both his hands up in the air and walked out of the room.

Regulus sat there for the next 10 minutes staring at his ceiling, thinking, when he got a idea.

He pulled out a notebook and began to write his thoughts down.

1. Why do I feel sorry for telling James to fuck off. I barely even know him?

2. Should I look at the texts from my parents?

3. Ya I'm going to look at the texts.

He put the notebook away and grabbed his phone. He had gotten new texts already from his parents.

They all said things along the lines of get back here now and marry Alyssa And you are a disgrace to this family just like your disgusting brother.

The texts just kept on coming up every couple seconds.

Due to how stressed he was at the moment he let anger get the better of him. He threw his phone on the floor and the screen shattered.

James who had been sitting on the stairs mad at himself for trying to push Regulus to say who that Alyssa girl was.

He suddenly heard a loud bang come from Remus's room where Regulus was staying.

James immediately bolted up and ran into Remus's room.

Regulus was curled up in a ball in the corner of the room sobbing.

James rushed over to him.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know."

James sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around the younger boy, embracing him in a comforting hug that he hoped somewhat calmed the younger boy down.

After a bit Regulus finally calmed down enough to speak.

"Sorry about earlier" the younger boy sniffled.

"It's fine. I'm the one who should be saying sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you to say who she was."

"Also Alyssa is the girl I have been dating for awhile now. I was supposed to marry her a couple days ago but I just don't love her enough to get married so I ran away, and that's how I ended up here."

"Shit I'm sorry, I had no clue."

"How did you know where we live anyway?" James added.

"Oh, Peter's list of addresses fell out of his bag and your address was on there."

"Ohh, Sorry I forgot you guys were best friends and if you don't mind I'm going to head back to my room now."

"That's fine."

"Bye." Regulus added

"Bye baby black."

James left the room smiling.

They were making some progress...

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