Chapter 9: Peter's 20th birthday

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It had been 3 months and Regulus and James were doing great.

Sirius kept on trying to make up with Remus, but he just ended up getting ignored.


September 9th, 1979

"Regulus black wake up." James groaned, clearly tired.

"Piss off."

Regulus yawned and put the covers over his head, James had enough.

James picked Regulus up.

"I hate being small."

Regulus rolled his eyes. James laughed and kissed him.

"Come on, we have to go get Peter presents."

"Shit, I forgot it was his birthday. I'll be back."

Regulus grabbed his phone and ran out of the room.

He turned on his phone and called Peter.

"Happy Birthday Pete!!"

"Thanks Reg. No one has said happy birthday or mentioned my birthday yet. They all probably forgot."

"Who cares if they forgot, You still have me."

"True. You're a good friend Reggie."

"My pleasure, but I gotta go to the store with James so bye."


Regulus hung up, smiling. He went back in James's room.

"Here is some clothes." James threw him a hoodie and jeans.

Regulus quickly got changed, James went to the bathroom.

Regulus went downstairs to wait for James and he ran into Sirius walking downstairs.

Regulus quickly walked away.

"Reggie wait."

Regulus sighed and turned on his heel to face Sirius.

"What?" He stated coldly.

"I need someone to talk to about this whole thing and I know you hate me right now but I need advice."

"Like I have advice on this stuff."

"What do you mean you don't have advice? Your in A perfect relationship right now."

Regulus gave him A confused look, Sirius laughed.

"Regulus I may be dumb, but I'm not that dumb. I know you and James are dating."

Regulus's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak.

"But it's fine Reggie, you guys are cute together so don't stress it." Sirius said quickly.

Regulus smiled and nodded, They both walked over to the couch and sat down.

"I don't know what to do. I love Remus and I always have since I was 14, but I also like Jason." Sirius stated, putting his head in his hands.

"Notice how you said you love Remus and you like Jason."

Sirius looked up at him.

"Your right, I don't mean it when I say i love you to Jason but I do when I say it to Remus."

"You finally figured that out, now go do what's right."

"I will after Peters birthday."

"You all are being jerks. I was just on the phone with him and he is sad because he thinks you guys forgot his birthday."

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