重云┆𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲-𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬

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Not Requested  :: Fluff

Character: Chongyun

"My paradise is you"


Chongyun got the news of a "Haunted House" that was coming out in a few days. Thinking that there are spirits in there, he decided to invite you with him. "(F/N), would you mind joining me to this Haunted House?" He asks while eating his tasteless popsicle.

"Hm? Why though?" You ask, "I mean, I don't mind or anything. It's just a sudden invite." Chongyun finished his popsicle before saying, "I might need assistance with exorcising evil spirits there." You sweatdropped at his denseness, 'Eh. . . he doesn't know huh?'

You sigh, "Chongyun, I hate to break it to you but Haunted Houses are for entertainment. There aren't actual ghosts or spirits there." He looks at you confused, "How can people find scary things entertaining? Some you are strange. . ."

You laughed a bit, "Tell you what, I'll join you." His face instantly beamed, eyes wide and mouth grinning, "Really?" Giggling at his excitement, you then nodded. "Of course!"


Finally, after 3 days, the Haunted House is open. Crowds of people were lining up; varying to kids, teenagers, and a few adults. You and Chongyun were waiting in the line, it was almost our turn to go in, "Alright, next!" Both of you trudged up, "Okay before you go we have a few rules. One, Don't touch any of the props. Two, make sure to stay beside your partner the entire trip through the Haunted House. And three, Enjoy!" 

Even though you liked Haunted Houses, you were still a bit nervous. You always got scared by the jump scares and it makes you scream like a little girl. Though, Chongyun seemed quite calm. As expected of an exorcist who dealt with spirits for a long time. "Let's go (F/N). Don't worry, I'll protect you if any evil spirits appear."

"Didn't I tell you that spirits aren't actually in there?" You say while walking towards the entrance, "You can never be too sure." He states. Sighing, you then grab his hand which seemed to surprise him, "C'mon, let's go." You exclaim. His shocked face turned into a blushing one, "D- don't just grab my hand like that!" He says with a little pout.

You laugh at him, "Aw is little Chongyun embarrassed? I'm sorry~." You teasingly say with a smug look on your face.

"Let's just go in already!" 

"Alright alright.~"


You both were now inside the haunted house. Cobwebs in every corner. Chongyun was walking ahead while you stayed behind. You didn't have the balls to just walk ahead with no fear.

"This places gives me the creeps, I regret coming here."

"(F/N), you'll be fine since I'm here. I'll protect you from any spirit that dares to show its face!"

'I don't doubt that.' In the middle of his little speech, they don't notice the figure creeping up on them, slowly getting closer and closer.

'Ahh I just wanna get this over with! How long even is this Haunted House?'

Suddenly, the figure pounced out of its hiding spot effectively scaring them. The scream they let out reverberated around the Haunted House.


Chongyun dashed to the figure, immediately pinning them down on the ground. He was about to try and exorce them but was stopped by a voice-

"Hey! What was that for? I'm just trying to do my job here let me go!"

The blue-haired man looked at him with confusion. He took off the "spirits" mask and saw a human face. 'What the-?'

"Chongyun! Are you okay? Why are you pinning this poor person down?"

He glanced behind him to find (F/N) looking at him with a worried and surprised face.

"Didn't I already tell you that there aren't spirits here? This is all just for entertainment!"

The exorcist casts his gaze down in shame and disappointment. Another failed exorcism.

"My apologies, I didn't know."

(F/N) looks at his saddened face before embracing him into a hug. It was comforting and lovely. He got so distracted that he forgot about the man under him currently deadpanned at the scene.

"Let's get out of here okay? I'll take you to a special place where we can hang out."

They stand up and takes Chongyun's arm with them before dashing it to the emergency exit. The exorcist could barely keep up due to how fast they were running. Meanwhile the man was still on the floor, absolutely tired and hating his job.


Now they were on a hill, currently star gazing while holding hands. Both were content and wishing this moment would last forever. Chongyun was having a crisis in his head.

'What do I do?'

'Do I kiss them? No no it's too early for that.'

'Maybe confess? Ahhh what if they reject me? It will be awkward afterwards'

'I don't know what to do!!'

(F/N) peered at his figure, currently having a mental crisis as well.

'Shit. What do I do???'

'Confess? No I'm not ready. And what if he rejects me, argh!'

'Do I lean in for a kiss? No! That's too cliche and embarrassing'

Both looked away with flustered face. It took a while before (F/N) decided to make a move. They turn their head before grabbing Chongyun's chin to guide his face to theirs.

They then lean in slowly. Allowing the blue-haired male to pull back if they wanted. When he didn't, they took that as a yes.

Their lips touched, both had their eyes closed and the pair felt hot. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds but to them, it lasted a life time. They opened their eyes again and they met with icy blue ones.  Chongyun looked as if he just ate a Jeuyun Chili. His whole face was red and he looked flustered beyond belief.

(F/N) looked at him with a teasing smile and a loving gaze. This was probably one of the best moments in their life. They had one more thing to say to the blue-haired male before leaving.

"I love you."

Author's Note

I'm so sorry I died for a few months but I'M BACK.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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