Log 50: 5/28/2021

20 0 0

5:32 PM

Hello, how have you guys been? Its been a while since I last updated, that is bad I know, but it is kind of hard to update when you don't have much to talk about. Anyway, I got a new bed, I originally had a bunck bed with a desk, but then I got a normal desk and a normal bed with a trundler underneath it. I also moved my guinea pigs inside my room and its much easier to take care of them now.

As for results, I think all I need to do now is train, I do think I have the power now I just need to train it. I want to master my teleportation first so I can teleport myself into a white training room. This room will simulate anything I want, aka, that means I can train any abilites I want in there. I plan on training my self defense, wolf shifting, electrokinesis, areokinesis, teleportation, desired weapons/outfit and my thinking patterns.

I cant wait until I can teleport there, it is going to help me so much and I highly recommended this idea to anyone with teleportation powers, you can use this room for any kind of physical or mental training, it will help in the long run.

I think thats all, I will update more frequently since I have made a schedule with mythical training in it. I cant wait to update you guys more, but for now its good bye. Cya later


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