Log 7: 03/09/2020

25 1 0

Thursday: 10:20 PM

So as I said in the last chapter, I think I have a result, imma just rant about it now so it might be long.

So, I was sitting on my chair watching a gacha life reacting to memes about games and stuff, and I would normally look behind me (because I am a bit paranoid) and I decided that I would not look behind me for an entire video, it wasn't long so I thought I would be fine. So after a little bit, I felt something weird on my right side, almost as like someone had there arm wrapped around me and was hugging my right side. Then I felt some pain in my shoulders, idk why I would but I did. Then the video finished and I looked behind me and I was fine, but a little sore. Idk if that's a result, but I would like to believe it is.

While I am trying to sleep tonight, imma think about Fritz (imma call him (my desired boyfriend) that because idk what his human name is) laying right next to me and hugging me, idk if I'll feel anything, but I hope I do. That's it for now though, so, goodnight everyone!


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