Log 75: 31/08/2021

20 2 4

Tuesday 10:35 AM

Hello, I just wanted to update you on my subs because I may have changed them, again. I know it's a bad habit, but this is the last change, I swear.

So, I changed the booster back to my one, idk why, but the other one felt off to me. Also, while I was listening to my booster, the song that I used for it started playing on my music playlist, so I think that's a sign telling me to use my own booster lol.

Right now I'm in the middle of making a 'Shift To MHA' subliminal, so when I finish that, I'll be using that instead of the 'Desired Reality's one.

I haven't had much luck with shifting, I always seem to fall asleep before I can shift, so I may try the method I'm using while I'm awake, not trying to fall asleep. Idk if it will help, but I hope it does.

Anyway, I think that's about it for now. Cya guys later and don't forget to drink water!


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