Chapter Two, Jealousy~

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Chapter Two, Jealousy~

Ray’s P.O.V~

-Early this morning-

I woke up to the sound of knocking on me and Mikey’s bedroom door. “Come in!” I said in a tired voice.

Gerard appeared from the open door, he looked tired but not in any type of distress he had on his silly skeleton pajamas which were weird saying it was almost seventy degrees today. 

“Ray! Get up come on we have to go do a mic check today, wake up Mikey and let’s go!” I heard him say loudly.

I put the pillow over my face; I wasn’t in the mood for Gerard’s mouth today I didn’t originally go to bed till three in the morning so I was extremely exhausted! BESIDE, we didn’t have a Vocals and instrumental check today…we did one yesterday and we don’t have to go on stage for another forty eighthours, today was supposed to be our chill day. WHAT in the hell promoted him to want to go on an extra binge to do this shit?

“RAAAAYYY come on! Let’s go!!! MSI is going to be there and they’re going to help us get ready COOOOMMMEEE ONNN!!!” he said throwing pillows and pulling my blanket.

I see…Lindsey…the bassist for MSI wow Gerard just wow!

“Really Gerard? Fine I’m getting up just…just leave me alone for a second alright?” I said a little aggravated.

“Geez Ray…someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed…don’t have to get all ill-mannered on me bro, just trying to wake you up gosh…When you get done with…that little mood swing you got going on there you make your way out here for some cereal…and make sure you leave…that… inside here” he said with a little hand motion and closing the door.

I rolled my eyes and thought to myself; wow I swear we all get more hopeless every day when we get involved with a new person…every single day.

I got out of bed and fluffed up my fro, I began to walk over to Mikey ready to wake him up but then I saw the horrible bags under his eyes.

He really hasn’t got much sleep lately from the things he has told me last night, and I would hate to disturb him,so I left him alone.

I quickly took a shower and threw on some clothes before running out into the hall.

“Where is Mikey?” Gerard asked me when I made it into the living room. Gerard was finally out of those stupid pajamas and into some real clothes.

I turned from his disconcerting face and whispered 

“He is still sleeping…I didn’t want to wake him because he hasn’t go much sleep in days Gerard and he looked so peaceful, can we just leave him?” 

Gerard shook his head, but Frank stepped in “Gerard please let’s just leave him, we can handle it on our own anyway”

Gerard finally said yes and went downstairs with me Frankie and Bob towards the bus...

We all filed in slowly and Gee sat in the driver seat, I looked outside the window back towards the hotel worried about leaving Mikey but knowing it was the right thing to do. 

I mean damn he is a grown man! Why do I even care anyway? It’s like over the past few days he has become my top concern. 

And Honestly I am worry about him even more than I worry about anyone else in the band; I worry about him twenty-four hours of a day which is strange…

…I mean it’s not like I love him or anything…right…


The bus stopped at the stadium where we are performing tonight, when we got out Lindsey greeted us 

She walked over towards Gerard and kissed his cheek.

I rolled my eyes, it’s not that I don’t like her, I love Lindsey…it’s just…I really didn’t want to wake up at six in the morning for an unscheduled check when the only amount of sleep I got was two or three hours.

She walked over to me and kissed my cheek then over to Bob and Frank, “Alright come on lets go” she said smiling...”WAIT? OH wait there is something missing…um where is Mikey?” She continued. 

Did she not notice Mikey missing when we first got off the damn bus? Like honestly how can anyone forget Mikey? I understand everyone forgetting me but Mikey? That’s unheard of! 

“He’s kind of sick so he stayed in today Lynz” I saidout the skin of my teeth, Gerard turned to me and eyed me with an evil eye.

“Oh…okay…well…If you need a bassist player today…I’ll…play for you…just for you can practice you know” She said in a sweet little girl voice, while twirling her hair.

Frank and I started to shake our heads no but then we heard Gerard say “Great, that will be wonderful…”

He then turned to me and said in a shaky voice “I hope Mikey will get better soon” and walked with Lynz inside.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Frank, who I don’t think even likes Lindsey, and I followed them inside. How could Gerard replace Mikey? I mean yeah it’s only going to be for a day but still…it still bothers me a lot…


I sat on the edge on the stage tired, my eyes were heavy and my body limp but I couldn’t go to sleep at all. What was wrong with me? 

I mean I can’t go to sleep at all…maybe I’m just worrying too much. 

I looked around for everyone, Frank was out back calling Jamia, Bob is chilling out with MSI, and of course Gerard was with Lindsey…so right now will be perfect for a nap, whatever…

My mind shifted to Mikey, Mikey…why him why now? I wonder what he’s doing right now, if he is lonely having to stay at the hotel by himself. I missed him; I honestly did even though it’s only been 8 hours. I missed his beautiful poker face and his logical rewording. I mean yeah like I said I love Lindsey I promise you I do, but to me she will never be like Mikey.

“Ray Wake up lets go” I perceived from Bob’s whisper. 

I sat up from the hard stage flooring and jumped down from it, hmm I really did go to sleep 

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