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My arm was beginning to grow tired after all this pumping, but I didn't want Justin to know that. His strong arms were still pumping away with the same force he started with. The groans that came from his mouth told me that he was about to finish. What we were doing seemed to make him feel good so I tried my best to keep going. We were going at it for the past 10 minutes at least and our foreheads were glistening with sweat. Justin had told me to focus on the pleasure and not the pain and I was trying my best.

"Fuckkkk," was all I could say with my shaky voice as my body was being worked on really good.

"I'm so close Kellin, almost there," Justin panted as we both continued to pump faster and faster.

Justin and I both sighed in relief as the sound of the timer went off, signaling that our shake weight workout had come to an end. I immediately put my shake weight down and let my arms fall to my sides like limp noodles. It's not like I could do anything else with them.

"I- am never...ever...doing
... that again," I said in between breaths.

"Well don't ya feel great now?" Justin said excitedly.

I just rolled my eyes at him and slumped myself on the couch.

"Why did you go and buy shake weights anyway?" I questioned, still out of breath.

"Because you're too skinny and I needed a workout buddy," he said plainly, setting our shake weights on the coffee table.

"You could've told me you were leaving," I mumbled, with Vic lingering in the back of my mind

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Justin said with a little too much enthusiasm. I just shook my head and grinned at his weirdness. "I'm gonna shower and then hit the hay for class tomorrow. Night Kellin!" He called out, already on his way to the bathroom.

"Night!" I yelled back tiredly. I pulled out my phone and go to my contacts to put in Tony's number. I hesitated and decided against sending him a text message. Sure he was a nice guy, but I just didn't feel anything when I talked to him. I put my phone on the coffee table and sighed as my mind began to wander. I thought about Justin and how he's been so kind to me, and how I haven't done a thing to help out. I should really find myself job, but what place would hire me?

Groaning, I lay myself down on the couch after striping down to just my boxers. I guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the week. Job hunting.


Morning came by quicker than ever and I found myself out the door and onto the streets in no time.

As I walked, the scent of teen spirit filled my nostrils and continued to get stronger and stronger until I reached that same vinyl store I passed on my way to the doctors. Maybe it was just the Nirvana that I was hearing. Without a second thought, my feet carried me through the doors of the shop and toward the empty counter inside. There were a few teenagers scattered around the place looking through the thousands of vinyl that lined the walls and filled the shelves that seemed to form a maze on the floor. From the outside this place seemed so small, but I was quickly proven wrong as I scanned over the place and leaned back on the counter in amazement. The song changed to Everlong by Foo Fighters and I began nodding my head to the familiar beat.

"You like the song?" someone said from behind me. I spun around so fast that I almost fell over, before catching myself on the counter.

"You scared the living shit out of me you teenager," I said breathlessly.

The girl just laughed. "You don't look a day older than me."

I scrunched up my face at her playfully before smiling. This girl was quite a bit shorter than me and had dark shoulder length hair with hints of green underneath. What stood out most was the dark color on her lips paired with her light skin. She had a style that she really owned; it was grungy and I liked it. The girl walked behind the counter and I took this as my chance to ask her about this place.

Intoxication, Paranoia & A lot of FameWhere stories live. Discover now