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"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. I would like to welcome you to Delta Flight 1251 and inform you that we should touch down in SanDiego at 12:43 local time. Thank you and enjoy your flight."

As the captain finishes his routine speech, this whole situation suddenly becomes all too real for me. I can feel myself getting more and more anxious as I realize that this is it. There's no turning back. By now my dad would have realized that I left and is smashing empty beer bottles against the walls like he always does when he's angry. I shudder at the thought. I reach my seat in one of the middle rows of the plane and groan. Of course I have the window seat. As I place my duffle bag into the over head compartment, I pull out my iPod and put my headphones in. While the last few people were getting situated in their seats, I sit down by the isle and hope to god that whoever sits next to me won't mind. I close my eyes and hope that filling my ears with Panic! at the disco will be better than the panic in my head.


After a few minutes, I finally feel more relaxed as I take a deep breath and open my eyes, almost having a heart attack in the process.

In front of me stood a man who was a bit shorter than me, who's shoulder length, wavy brown hair complimented his chestnut colored eyes, almost making me drool. He seemed to be quite young, probably in his early twenties, and my oh my was he attractive. Wait what?

"I said excuse me for the seven billionth time," the stranger hissed, drawing out the word excuse. "That's my seat. Now move over so I can sit down thanks."

His angry tone caught me off guard and I almost choked on my words.

"I'm sorry?" was all I managed to croak out while I took out my headphones, never breaking eye contact with the stranger.

"Instead of staring why don't you take a picture; it'll last longer, and for the love of God, I've been standing here for almost 5 minutes, asking you to please move your ass over."

"Wait what? I wasn't- I'm sorry but it's ju-"
And with that the stranger picks me up against my will and plops me in the seat himself.

"Whoa whoa! watch it!" I growl as the strange man seats himself next to me in the isle seat with the biggest smirk plastered on his face.

"Hey that's not fair," I whine as he gets comfortable in his seat.

"You'll get over it princess," he says through gritted teeth.

I roll my eyes and turn away from him with a sigh, silently cursing myself for sitting in his seat. I look out the tiny window as the plane takes off, and watch the world outside as it begins to shrink. I bring my knees up to my face, resting the side of my head on them.

It's hasn't even been a full day off on my own and I've already been yelled at by someone I don't even know. Off to a great start Kellin, you're doing a real fanfuckingtastic job.

Intoxication, Paranoia & A lot of FameWhere stories live. Discover now