What the Hell Just Happened?

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"Ah fuck Justin," I groaned as he pulled out and finished, leaving a mess everywhere. We were going so hard, and I was sad it ended so soon as he spilled onto me and the floor. I got up from my hands and knees and looked at the mess he made below. Justin and I were playing an extremely competitive game of Jenga and the blocks were everywhere.

"I won suckaaaa," I teased Justin as he picked up his mess. "Looks like somebody owes me lunch."

Justin and I had been playing Jenga for the past hour and a half at his work. No one had shown up all day and it was nearing his lunch hour anyway. Just as he put the last wooden piece in its container, we heard the ding of a bell, signaling that someone had just walked in.

"I'll have the usual," the man said as he strolled over to the counter to pay. "But no donut today."

"You got it Tony," Justin grinned and he headed over to make the mans coffee.

I can't help but stare at the man leaning on the counter casually talking to Justin. This Tony guy kind of reminds me of Mike with all of his tattoos. Except, this guy has longer hair and gauges in his ears, but despite his tattoos and piercings, this guy was kind of adorable.

As he grabbed his coffee he glanced over in my direction causing me to avert my eyes as fast as I could, but not before I saw the smirk on his face. Dammit he caught me staring. I could feel his eyes checking me out from the counter before he headed out.

"Who was that?" I asked Justin as soon as the door closed behind the man.

"That was Tony. He's a regular who happens to work with my roommates down at the-" he said before he abruptly cut himself off and cleared his throat.

"Down at the what?" I asked, growing curious of what kind of business Justin's roommates did that earned them so much money.

"Down near the... center of he city," he finished his sentence as he nervously twiddles his thumbs.

What a great liar you are Justin...

I didn't want to pry because after all, I'm the one living under his wing and if it weren't for him I'd be on the streets.

"Well anyways let's go get some lunch," I suggested to change the subject.

"Good idea."


"I promise you'll love it!" Justin said as he shoved the dish in my face. He just bought me lunch from a stand a block away from the coffee shop because he lost Jenga so he owed me.

"Ew ew ew!" I squealed as I hopped away from Justin and his plate of slimy octopus.

The tentacles looked as if they were still alive and would suction to the inside of my throat and kill me. The thought sent chills down my spine and I shivered with a look of disgust plastered on my face.

"Hey! You don't know until you try it!" Justin complained as he took a bite. "This is my all time favorite!"

"I'm sorry but no," I said almost laughing at his failed attempts to try and get me to eat octopus.

As Justin shoved the octopus in my face for the last time, I turned to scamper away, only to find myself colliding into another person. Hard.

We both fell to the ground with a thud. I heard Justin running over with apologies pouring from his mouth as I realized who the other person was. We sat there on the sidewalk glaring at each other until he decided to be the first to speak up.

"Nice face," was all he said in that same sarcastic tone, referring to the black eye he gave me earlier this morning. As he pulled himself up from the ground, he offered me his hand, but as I went to take it, he walked off, leaving me on the sidewalk. Asshole.

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