There Is a Place Like Home

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I gripped Justin's arm as we exited the coffee shop so I wouldn't get lost in the swarms of people. I didn't think it was possible for the streets to be so busy at night. I had forgotten about the warmth of this place after sitting in the air conditioning, so the warm, nighttime air came as a pleasant surprise.

As we walked, I couldn't help but take in the city's beauty. The palm trees that divided the streets, the colorful signs and lights decorating the buildings, and the sparkling ocean across the street all came together to make one hell of a place. Not to mention the mouthwatering smells radiating from the many restaurants and stands that lined the streets. I think I can officially say that SanDiego, California is the most beautiful place on earth, not that I have much to compare it to.

Without a warning my stomach began to grumble, reminding me that I haven't eaten since yesterday.

As of if on cue, Justin pulls me out of my dreamlike state and toward a seafood stand on the street corner.

"Whatdaya feel like havin tonight? It's on me," he grins.

"Well I wouldn't want to-" was all I got to say before Justin reassures me that he's got it covered.

"Take a look at the menu on the side," he chuckles. "You get a choice of Baja-Style or Baja-Style."

Before I even question him, the smell of the Mexican cuisine fills my nose and in a heart beat I decide to go with... you guessed it: Baja-Style.

As we waited in the line for our food, I watched the people around us gathering at the corner for some of the freshly made dish. Peering up at the people in line ahead of us, I notice a tall, skinny guy covered in tattoos and piercings. Before I could get a good look, he had his food in hand as he left the street corner, but not before I spotted the person with him. I had to do a double take just to make sure, but I could've sworn I've seen those beautiful, curly brown locks before. But where? All I could see of the second guy was the SnapBack on his head before the two disappeared in the busy crowds of SanDiego.

My thoughts were interrupted when a big bowl of Baja-Style was shoved into my face. Was this supposed to be eaten in one meal!? I look up from my food to face Justin, who just starts laughing before digging right in to his. If this sort of incredible food can be found on a random street corner, I can't wait to try out all the other places around here.

It only took about 5 minutes of walking for the crowds to start lightening up as we left the center of the city. Before I knew it, we were standing before an enormous apartment complex that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Is this were you live!?" I questioned, amazed at the obvious luxuriousness the place had.

"Ye-eah," Justin replied with his mouth full. "-but don't go thinking I pay for this all on my own. Like I said before, I have a few roommates," he shrugged.

I didn't question him as we threw out our dinners and entered the building. Immediately Justin was greeted by the bellhop, who tipped his hat as Justin waved. I trailed behind him like a lost puppy until we reached the elevator.

"You're in for a surprise," Justin said as he clicked the button for the top floor. We began moving up for what seemed like forever until we arrived at the 50th floor. As soon as the doors to his apartment opened I was swept away by the complete and utter perfection of the place. The open floor plan  and modern, well, everything had me practically drooling. Huge windows took up two entire walls of the enormous apartment, one side letting in a breathtaking view of the city and the ocean on the other. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was everything that Michigan was not, this was perfect.

"Yo, Kellin... helloooo?" Justin laughed as he snapped his fingers in front of my awe stricken face. "Put your bag down and make yourself at home man. You can sleep on the couch or in the bed with me. My roommates don't usually come home on the weekends so there's room," he shrugged.

"I think I'll sleep on the couch," I say politely. I don't wanna invade personal space or anything my first stay, plus I just met the guy today.

"Alright dude whatever's good for you. Let me get you some blankets," he said as he disappeared into the back of the huge apartment.

"Thanks," I yawn as he returned with the blankets in hand. "What time is it?" I ask, wondering why I'm so tired this early.

"It's almost 1:00am," he replied with a smug look spread across his features, before turning off the lights and heading to bed. "Night Kellin."

"Night" I chuckle tiredly as I slip off my skinny jeans. I cringe at the sight of the bruises that still litter my body from my fathers wrath. Luckily for me, they are fading and will probably be gone by the end of the week. I don't want anyone asking me questions.

As I lay down on the surprisingly comfortable couch, I smile to myself, knowing that I will never have to see my father again. I've had a great start here in SanDiego, and there isn't a thing that could ruin it for me.

Soon enough, my eyelids begin to feel heavy and I drift off into a much needed sleep.

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