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-November 30, 1889-

Royal Family's Palace, Phoenixia Kingdom

Inside the palace, a man was running down the hall to pass an important message.

When he arrived at the door, he simply knocked and entered without courtesy. "My king, I would like to apologize for intruding on your supper, but I have an important message." The messenger said.

"Fine, then speak without worry." The king said.

"Nasha the great soothsayer has a message for you, my king. She said, 'the end times of the old prophecy is finally upon us. The return of the empire is near'." The messenger said.


"Should I repeat the message, my king?"

"No I heard you the first time, but that's it?! Is that the only content of the message?" Asked the king.

"I'm afraid, yes, my king."

The king was puzzled, but mostly petrified.

He felt his body become numb due to his erratic breathing, he was probably about to have a cardiac arrest soon. Luckily, he was able to control his breathing

After a few minutes of regaining his breath and composure, he called his personal advisor and asked, "Do you think the central powers are ready to stop the demonic empire from destroying us?"

The advisor replied, "I'm sure they are prepared for this, my king. After all, they have been preparing for this for a really long time. Surely, they'll be able to destroy the demonic empire."

"Then..." As he was contemplating on what to do, an idea popped into his head. "Quickly! Send messengers around the world and spread the news of the demonic empire's return!"

"Will do, my king." The advisor said. He then left the room to dispatch messengers around the world.

Outside, a man was tuning in on what the king had just said to his aid, 'Send messengers around the world and spread the news of the demonic empire's return!'

'Shit! Emperor Gornir won't be happy with this.' The mysterious man thought.

As the mysterious man was about to leave, he thought of a plan to distract the central powers' preparation.

He simply fixed his garments and swung the door open. "My king, I apologize for suddenly intruding but I have a suggestion on this matter." The mysterious man said.

"Grand Wizard Patro, what brings you here?"

"I think I have a solution to combat the demonic empire."

"Go on."

"I saw a book from the library of Eva about 6 years or so, and I discovered a peculiar spell from the book..."

"Come on, stop with the suspense." The king was getting impatient.

"It's a summoning spell."

"A summoning spell? What can a simple summoning spell do to fight them?"

"It's not the spell itself that would destroy them... it's the after-product that will."

"Then what should we summon then?"

"We can simply summon weapons and food... basic necessities that are needed to supply our troops to fight the demonic empire."

"Then why haven't we used it before if it's useful?"

"The central powers banned it. They simply see it as a lazy and dishonorable way to procure supplies."

"Then if it's banned then why are you suggesting it?"

"It won't be banned anymore when the empire's coming."

"Wise suggestion... but can you do it?"

"The summoning spell can't be used by just one wizard, it needs more wizards for this. I suggest we call in the wizards of Pletunia to help us."

As the king heard of the suggestion, he soon called one of his messengers. "Have the officials and the wizards of the Kingdom of Pletunia in here, so we can directly inform them of the plan." The king said.

"Will do, my king!" The messenger replied.

After instructing one of his personal messengers, he then called his guards and said, "Bring the soothsayer to me, I must speak to her."

"Of course, your highness." Said the head guard.

'This is worrying, never in my life had I expected the end times.' He thought.


-December 7, 1889-

(1 Week After)

Mount Ilusia, Pletunia Kingdom

"I can't believe we're doing this..." A wizard said, immediately clasping his head. 

"Now now, we're doing this to see if this 'summoning' spell actually works or not."

"Are you insane?! Are you telling me that you're fine dedicating your strength and time to check if this ancient spell actually works?!"

"What choice do we have? Do you want our troops starving in the frontlines only armed with shovels?"

"Of course not! But you're not thinking of the consequences of using this spell. The moment that the central powers receive word of this, they will impose sanctions against us. We might face shortages on food imports and supplies thus making us less prepared with the fight against the demonic empire."

"Oh, ye of little faith, man! We'll just use the demonic empire's return as our reasoning for using the spell.

"But what if the-"

"Silence! We will now commence the summoning ritual," Shouted a cloaked man. Silence engulfed the room as the cloaked man went to the center of the room. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Grand Wizard Patro, the royal wizard of Phoenixia Kingdom. First of all, I want to thank all of you for coming here today. I wished we all could've met here in better circumstances, but sadly, this is no ordinary gathering, instead this is a gathering to save the future of our world,"

"Now I am certain that all of you are feeling nervous, but do not worry... for this is a ritual needed to help our troops in fighting the demonic empire,"

"Now listen carefully, as of the moment we have 18 grand wizards in one room. My plan is to divide ourselves in 2 groups, and then we'll divide ourselves again into 3 subgroups. In those 3 subgroups, the 1st subgroup will simply channel their energies to summon food, then the 2nd subgroup will try to summon swords. Finally, the last subgroup is assigned to summon armor. We will be doing this for 1 week."

Shouts were then heard all over the room.

"For 1 week?!"

"Won't we feel too drained out if we do this?!"

"This man's crazy!"


All the wizards in the room soon went quiet.

"Will you at least let me finish?! Now... this is the reason why I made 2 groups. The 1st group will simply channel their energies to start the ritual for an hour, then the 2nd group will then take over, so as to not disrupt the summoning ritual. I'm sorry... but this is the only way to do the summoning ritual. Now, any questions?"

None seemed to question his plan so he replied with, "Alright. Then let us now begin!"


Hi guys, I'm excited to say that this is my first book. I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter and don't worry, the second chapter will be announced soon. Again, thank you for reading the first chapter of my book.

Constructive criticisms are allowed in the comment section, but negative comments will not be tolerated. Let's keep the comments positive, okay?

PS. I will only update 1 chapter every week so I won't feel burned-out. I hope you understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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